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‘We thank God for the fog’

Author: Hazel Southam, 1 March 2022

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People queue for water in Donetsk. Photo credit: Valentin Sprinchak/Reuters

Ukraine Bible Society spokesman Rostik reports fog is causing an ‘easier’ time in Ukraine, as news footage shows Russian forces closing in on Kyiv

Things were a bit ‘easier’ in Kyiv today. Fog prevents enemy actions. It is the same situation on the Black Sea shore where high waves prevented landing operations, which were clearly planned as numerous paratrooper ships were detected previously. We thank God for this!

Yet the city of Kharkiv saw another deadly shelling. One rocket hit the very heart of the city, that same square where the faithful ones gathered to pray. Thankfully, it happened after the usual time of their prayer. All Bible Society staff there are safe.

Here’s what Oleg, our fundraising manager from Kharkiv, said earlier today: ‘We thank God that, today, it was quieter than yesterday. Almost half of the 2 million-strong city is without electricity.

‘In my opinion, Russians did yesterday’s and today’s shelling to create panic first of all. We try to withstand this. Yesterday, when they hit, it was especially crowded outside. People were trying to buy bread, water, medicines creating huge lines and the Russians meanly used that. It is very hard to express all emotions. These are terrible trials but we stay faithful. Pray for us!’

Groups of enemy forces also started penetrating into Kherson, where Alex was bringing Bibles only yesterday. They split into groups of 30–40 people in every district and started calling out civilians pretending it was an evacuation, but the plan was to use them as hostages. There was lots of fighting on the streets, but all our team and their families are safe. Please pray for all Bible Society staff in Kherson and their families. Once again, thank you all for prayers and support.

Rostik's report from Ukraine is set against news that an estimated half a million people have fled the country as fighting intensifies.

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