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When the final whistle blows, Bible mission will continue

Author: Simon Bartz, 15 December 2022

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Ruby's ministry in Bahrain has baptised 33 new believers. (Photo credit: Bible Society in the Gulf)

Thanks to your support, Scriptures were handed out to migrant workers and football fans in Qatar during the FIFA World Cup finals. When the football is finished, migrant worker churches in the Gulf region will continue to get your crucial support. Read Ruby’s story below to see how you are helping these churches go from strength to strength.

‘I came here because God showed me in a dream his vision for the need to reach the Chinese in the desert,’ says New Zealander Ruby Qin of her ministry in Bahrain, which began in 2016. Ruby moved to the Gulf kingdom because many Chinese were moving there as Chinese business investment increased.

Ruby says: ‘Together with Pastor Sze we have shared the gospel with more than 200 people, 140 of whom received Jesus as their Lord and saviour, while 33 of them have been baptised. Praise the Lord! It is our constant prayer that many more souls may repent and turn to God.’

‘When Pastor Sze started his ministry in Bahrain, there were only seven of us. So, we really feel that God is blessing our ministry. Most importantly, the Bible Society here is always ready to supply us with Chinese Bibles and other books in English.

‘We are so grateful for their constant support and pray that God may bless them and their valuable ministry in Bahrain. We always need more Bibles in Chinese, as we see the number of the Chinese people increasing not only in Bahrain but also in the church.

‘We do our best to engage our members with the word of God through Bible study, social gatherings, outings, and other activities. We meet on Fridays and sometimes during the week. We study the Bible together and share our burdens, sorrows, and joys with each other. We have a strong prayer group where we pray for this country, the Church at large, and for each other. Our members are hard-working people who have many problems.

‘Please, pray for us so that we will be able to reach many more with the word of God. Personally, I want to stay faithful to the vision God showed me in New Zealand in 2016 and led me to the desert to preach his Good News to my people.’

With your help, the Bible Society team in the Gulf is providing pastors with training and churches with Scriptures. Churches are the only places where many of these migrant workers – working long hours, poorly paid and living in cramped labour camps – can find love, hope and fellowship. 

Thank you for your continued support, which makes a huge difference in the Gulf. 

Will you pray for Ruby and for other ministers of the gospel in the Gulf as they work to see lives change? 

You can also donate and ensure that Ruby and her colleagues have the resources they need to share God’s word.

Give a Bible to a migrant worker

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