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Why does Bible Society have a different look?

Author: Bible Society, 24 January 2023

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We’ve refreshed our colours, styles and logo, across everything we publish and present. This is a major undertaking, and a lot of prayer has gone into it. 

We’ve done it for two reasons. First, our old brand was looking out of date. That’s not how we want people to think of us, because that’s not how we are! We’re creative and passionate about sharing the Bible. 

Second, though, we’ve done some hard thinking about our mission. We’re still translating, publishing and distributing the Bible around the world, so it’s available in more languages to more people. That’s a key part of our mission. But we’re also focusing on inviting people in England and Wales to discover the Bible for themselves. We’d like to change their perspectives on it so that Christians can grow in Bible confidence, and so that even those who’ve never thought it was for them can see its meaning. 

That’s why our logo is different. You’ll see a cross, which is at the heart of everything we do. But you’ll also see it as a book (the Bible), a door (through which someone might pass), or a window (through which they might look). We’re passionate about opening doors and windows in people’s hearts and minds so they can encounter the Bible for themselves.  

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