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Why I love the Passion play in Trafalgar Square

Author: Hazel Southam, 30 March 2017

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In one way, this chilly-but-sunny March day was like any other reporting assignment. There was a healthy gaggle of photographers (or snappers as they’re known in the trade) trying to get to the heart of the action. Inevitably, there were a few officious types trying to stop them.

But you knew it was a big do because every man, woman and their dog had a smartphone and, as the events unfolded, they were out in force. When the main figure walked into the crowd, everyone stopped their conversations, turned, looked and, to a man, took a photo.  

So, not quite a normal story then.  

I’d situated myself as I always do, away from the snappers. I needed a good view of what was happening so I could paint the story in words. And I wanted to chat to a few onlookers about what they thought of what was happening.

So far, so familiar.  

But then in he walked. Jesus. Robed in white. Wearing sandals. You could have heard a penny drop.  

After that, it’s a bit of a blur. But it certainly wasn’t a normal reporting assignment. I’ve known the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection all my life. It’s hugely moving when you read it. But when you see it, then things are very different indeed.  

Do you remember those pop-up books that we had as children, where the story literally jumped off the page? Well, it’s like that only more so. It’s like being part of the crowd that would have been there in Jesus’ last days. And so, it becomes very real.  

Because you are part of the crowd, you feel everything that the crowd would have felt: powerlessness, rage, fear, doubt, worry, horror, astonishment.  

That’s why I love the Passion play at Trafalgar Square. So, if you’ve never been, I’d really encourage you to plan a trip to London this year to see it. You may bump into the Bible Society team there. But whether or not you do, your Easter will be extra-special as a result. 

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