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Why the Chinese Church needs discipleship groups

Author: James Howard-Smith, 20 September 2024

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Small-group study among Chinese Christians is widely desired for its transformative impact. They start as Bible studies but become life-changing discipleship groups, and that’s down to the training and resources that your support provides.

Supporters of Bible Society with a passion to see lives changed in China are coming together right now to invest in this discipleship revolution.

Li Lei leads a small group in Eastern China and she says it’s a place where believers can encourage each other. You have opened up the Bible for members of this group by providing a discipleship guide called Abundant Life.

What is discipleship?

‘We had a few young ladies in the group who shared their difficulties in doing daily devotion and prayer,’ Li said. ‘Since we started our study using the discipleship guide, they became enthusiastic about encouraging one another in prayer and study.’ As well as meeting regularly, they’re reading the Bible daily, through reminders they’re sharing on WeChat, a Chinese social network.

‘Being in a discipleship group has made them realise that we are branches from the same vine, and therefore we should love and take care of one another.’

Abundant Life explains key biblical concepts through step-by-step teaching and follow-up questions. ‘This format makes it easier for us to learn and understand fundamental truths,’ Li said.

‘After the lesson on prayer, we urge our members to follow the steps daily. Before we begin every meeting, we go round the group to share how they have applied what they learnt in previous lessons to respond to current challenges they faced.’

How you can help

Li is seeing people incorporate the lessons of Abundant Life into their daily lives. She said: ‘Through discipleship, people can grow and inspire others. It’s not just about teaching Bible knowledge, it’s also about living out and applying biblical truths so that we can become living witnesses for Christ. We want to disciple fellow believers so that, in turn, they can disciple other believers.’

Your donation today will train and equip a leader like Li. Your generosity can get a Bible study started and turn it into a life-changing discipleship group.

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