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You’re shaping the future of global Bible outreach

Author: Noel Amos, 10 November 2023

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Thousands of you have helped to fashion the future of Bible mission by taking this year’s supporter survey. Your insights are crucial to helping us become better. 

You’ve let us know more about what you think of us as an organisation, the usefulness of our resources, and how we communicate. We’ve learned so much from what you’ve shared and are grateful for your participation. Your perspective is important to us because you are the fuel that propels Bible work forward. 

Serving the Church

Many of you who took the survey showed an interest in volunteering, and particularly want to get your church communities more involved.You want to share resources like The Bible Course with your friends, bring the Bible to life for children through Open the Book, and take part in research that’s being done on Scripture. Serving is a sacrifice, and we’re continually amazed by how much you’re willing to give of your time and effort to share the gospel. Learn more about all things volunteering

Children engage with Open the Book at a school assembly.

Growing in faith

Many of you who took the survey are leaders in the church, guiding others as they learn to walk in step with Jesus. You’re hosting small groups, preaching, pastoring, and working with young people. When we create new resources, we’ve got you in mind. 

You’re seeing those you lead grow in their ability to understand the Bible and talk about it with others as they engage with The Bible Course, Open the Book, and our Christmas and Easter resources. It’s so helpful for us to know our resources are working for you and those you lead. 

If you’re looking for more, from our Bible Book Club to The Romans Course, we’ve created lots of free resources to help leaders explore the big story of the Bible with their communities. Discover our resources.   

You’re committed  

When it comes to vision for Bible work around the world, we’re on the same page. The majority of you who filled out the survey consider Bible mission to be something you’re passionate about and committed to. 

The top three most important parts of Bible mission to you are publishing and distributing Scripture at an affordable price, translating it into languages in which it’s unavailable, and providing young people with the opportunity to engage with its stories. We’re continuing our work in each of these areas, like in China, where the Bible was recently published in Ganyi

While 88 per cent of you consider us to be trustworthy, fewer of you see Bible Society as your first call for Bible information. This is invaluable learning for us, because we’re deeply invested in helping people here at home in England and Wales understand the big story of the Bible. We’ll continue working on this, creating resources you can use to learn more about God and his word. 

Thank you so much for participating in our survey this year, and for continuing to support Bible work. Your remarkable generosity is making the Bible available to more and more people worldwide, some of whom are encountering Jesus for the first time. 

Find out more about how you can get involved in sharing God’s word with the world through Bible a Month


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