Most Christians in England and Wales are Anglican or Catholic

Asked about which denomination they identify with, more than half of Christians ­– 56 per cent – said they were Church of England or Church in Wales. Just under a fifth – 17 per cent – said they were Catholic. 

In terms of church allegiance, Anglicans and Catholics certainly dominate the Christian landscape of England and Wales. Of other denominations, Methodists were on six per cent and Baptists on three per cent. 'New churches' like Vineyard and New Frontiers, with Pentecostals, Presbyterians and Orthodox believers,  were all at one per cent. Nine per cent of Christians don't identify with any particular denomination. 

However, identifying with a particular church 'tribe' doesn't necessarily mean that someone is a regular churchgoer – 63 per cent of Anglicans say they never or hardly ever go to church. 

The Church of England in particular is very visible, physically in terms of its buildings and also in its presence in public life. For many people it's still the default faith.

Anglican (e.g. Church of England, Church in Wales)BaptistCatholic/Roman CatholicIndependent/Free Evangelical (e.g. FIEC)MethodistNew Churches (e.g. Vineyard, New Frontiers)Pentecostal (e.g. Elim, Assemblies of God)PresbyterianOrthodoxQuakerUnited Reformed ChurchOtherI don't identify with a denominationNot specified