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Search the shop Efengyl Marc (10 copi) - colloquial Welsh Gospel of Mark (Pack of 10)

CYMRAEG: Cyfieithiad newydd cyffrous a chyfoes o Efengyl Marc. ENGLISH: The Gospel of Mark, written in an exciting new contemporary Welsh language translation –


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Yr Addewid Amhosib

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Christmas stickers

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Inside Out: Connecting word to life

A new resource for helping young people get the Bible off their shelves and applied in their lives.


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The Bible Course DVD (3rd edition) (Subtitled)

The Bible Course films on DVD. Ideal for small and larger groups to play directly from your laptop (if it has a DVD drive) or a standard DVD player.


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On the Road: a Journey through the Bible for Migrants

This booklet takes the reader on a journey through 33 Bible passages about migrants and migration.


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A Christ-mess story

Written by Dai Woolridge, ‘A Christ-mess story’ is a down to earth book which unwraps the good news of Christmas through poetry, playfulness, honesty and humour.


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