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Two Nineteen – Colloquy Cards

Needing a game to liven up your English class? Wishing you had something in your bag to refresh a dwindling conversation?


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Shona (chiShona) Bible

The Shona language or chiShona is spoken in Zimbabwe. Shona Union is based on the dialect spoken by the Karanga.


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Tybed Oes ‘na Fwy i’r Pasg? – Might There Be More to Easter? (Welsh edition)

Mae’r Pasg yn un o brif ddathliadau’r calendr Cristnogol ond pa mor dda ydym ni’n deall ei ystyr? Pam ydym ni’n dathlu’r Pasg? Pwy oedd yr Iesu? Pam y gwnaeth farw? Archwiliwch y cwestiynau hyn a mwy.


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