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Two Nineteen – Utter Wisdom

Utter Wisdom is an ESL conversational English Teaching resource based around 60 World Proverbs, packed with fun and engaging teaching activities. Utter Wisdom contains specifically written questions that will help Christian ESL teachers explore with ...


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A Christ-mess story

Written by Dai Woolridge, ‘A Christ-mess story’ is a down to earth book which unwraps the good news of Christmas through poetry, playfulness, honesty and humour.


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Jonah (Scratch) - Bible Transformers Resource Sheets

Access leader and participant resource sheets for running Bible Transformers sessions on the book of Jonah using Scratch.


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Cerdd Y Nadolig

Mwynhewch y stori anferthol am Dduw, a ni a phopeth yn y byd, wedi'i chymryd o'r Beibl, gyda rhigymau gwych gan Bob Hartman a lluniau hudolus gan Honor Ayers. Mae'n ddelfrydol ar gyfer plant ifanc a theuluoedd.


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Six Beats One Story

Experience the Bible's story in just six scenes with Six Beats One Story – a new creative devotional by Dai Woolridge. Listen, learn, and be inspired!


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Yr Addewid Amhosib

Llyfryn Nadolig newydd sbon i blant wedi'i ysgrifennu gan Bob Hartman. Ystyriwch stori'r geni fel erioed o'r blaen trwy liwio'ch hoff gymeriadau a dychmygu'r hyn maent yn ei feddwl a'i ddweud wrth ei gilydd.


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Mae’n Dechrau Draw ym Methlehem – Rhigwm Stori’r Geni ar gyfer Nadolig eleni

Mae ein llyfryn newydd i blant dros y Nadolig, Mae’n Dechrau Draw ym Methlehem – Rhigwm Stori’r Geni ar gyfer Nadolig eleni yn rhoi golwg newydd i ni ar y geni gyda rhigymau hyfryd wedi eu haddasu o’r fersiwn gwreiddiol gan Bob Hartman a llun...


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Ukrainian Bible (Modern Translation)

Discover the Ukrainian Bible (Modern Translation) and support refugees from Ukraine.


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Ukrainian Bible (Modern Translation UMT)

A modern translation in hardback format.


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Ukrainian New Testament (Modern Translation)

Discover the Ukrainian New Testament (Modern Translation) and support refugees from Ukraine.


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