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Search the shop – colloquial Welsh Bible

Y Beibl mewn iaith hawdd i’w deall. Perffaith ar gyfer ysgolion, eglwysi a dysgwyr. Experience the Bible in your own language. Perfect for schools, churches and those learning Welsh. Get a 30 per cent discount when ordering 25 or more!


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Tybed Oes ‘na Fwy i’r Pasg? – Might There Be More to Easter? (Welsh edition)

Mae’r Pasg yn un o brif ddathliadau’r calendr Cristnogol ond pa mor dda ydym ni’n deall ei ystyr? Pam ydym ni’n dathlu’r Pasg? Pwy oedd yr Iesu? Pam y gwnaeth farw? Archwiliwch y cwestiynau hyn a mwy.


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Plenty in stock 365 o Storiau o'r Beibl - 365 stories from the Bible in colloquial Welsh

Dyma’r Beibl delfrydol i helpu ieuenctid i groesi’r bont o Feibl lliw i'r Beibl llawn. This is the ideal Bible to help older children cross the bridge from a colour story Bible to a full Bible.


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Currently out of stock Efengyl Luc – colloquial Welsh Gospel of Luke with Parallel Good News Bible English

Mae efengyl Luke a ddygwyd i fywyd mewn dau cyfieithiadau Beibl deinamig. Luke’s gospel is brought to life in two dynamic Bible translations.


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