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Tybed Oes ‘na Fwy i’r Pasg? – Might There Be More to Easter? (Welsh edition)

Mae’r Pasg yn un o brif ddathliadau’r calendr Cristnogol ond pa mor dda ydym ni’n deall ei ystyr? Pam ydym ni’n dathlu’r Pasg? Pwy oedd yr Iesu? Pam y gwnaeth farw? Archwiliwch y cwestiynau hyn a mwy.


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Greek UBS 3rd Edition and Today's English Version (TEV) Diglot New Testament

Good News Bible and New Testament Greek Diglot (Dual Language)


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The New Testament Contemporary English Version (CEV) Audio CD Set

Experience the New Testament CEV in audio format, dramatised by Riding Lights Theatre Company.


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The Gospels - New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Faithful, accurate, and accessible. Immerse yourself in the life and teachings of Jesus with the Gospels (NRSV).


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New Testament Tales

Popular storyteller Bob Hartman is renowned for his fresh take on often-told stories, bringing them to life with vibrant characters and a lively twist in the tale.


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Testament Newydd a'r Salmau (Poced Gwyn) - Welsh (BCN) New Testament & Psalms

A pocket-sized white gift Bible in a slip case. Features the New Testament and Psalms, from the revised version of Y Beibl Cymraeg Newydd (BCN) (2004).


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The New Testament Contemporary English Version (CEV) mp3 download

Experience the New Testament CEV in audio format, dramatised by Riding Lights Theatre Company.


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Taith Mary Jones - The Mary Jones Walk

Dilynwch ôl troed Mary Jones gyda’r canllaw cerdded Cymraeg-Saesneg hwn sy’n amlinellu taith 28 milltir o Llanfihangel-y-Pennant i’r Bala. A dual-language (Welsh and English) walking guide along the journey taken by Mary Jones from Llanfihan...


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Holy Gospel Study Edition (GNB Injil)

This New Testament is particularly helpful for the nurture and discipling of new believers without a Christian background.

£6.99Was £9.99

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Mark tells us the Good News about Jesus (EasyEnglish)

Read the Gospel of Mark in plain and simple English.


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