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Tybed oes ‘na fwy i’r Nadolig - Might There Be More to Christmas? (Welsh edition)

Tybed oes ‘na fwy i’r Nadolig – mwy i Iesu – nag sy’n ymddangos ar yr olwg gyntaf? Archwiliwch y cwestiynau hyn a mwy, drwy Efengyl Luc – sy’n eich cymryd ar daith o eni Iesu, i Jerwsalem, lle mae’r stori’n cyrraedd ei huchafbwynt, mewn cyfieithiad modern sy’n hawdd i’w ddarllen.


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Tybed Oes ‘na Fwy i’r Pasg? – Might There Be More to Easter? (Welsh edition)

Mae’r Pasg yn un o brif ddathliadau’r calendr Cristnogol ond pa mor dda ydym ni’n deall ei ystyr? Pam ydym ni’n dathlu’r Pasg? Pwy oedd yr Iesu? Pam y gwnaeth farw? Archwiliwch y cwestiynau hyn a mwy.


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New Testament Tales

Popular storyteller Bob Hartman is renowned for his fresh take on often-told stories, bringing them to life with vibrant characters and a lively twist in the tale.


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Good News Bible (GNB) Dyslexia-Friendly Romans

Read this dyslexia-friendly edition of the book of Romans. This title uses the trustworthy GNB translation and follows formatting principles approved by the British Dyslexia Association.


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Luke tells us the Good News about Jesus (EasyEnglish)

Read the Gospel of Luke in plain and simple English.


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Beibl Cymraeg Newydd gyda mynegair - New Welsh Bible (BCN) Revised with concordance

Beibl Cymraeg Newydd (BCN) The standard Welsh Bible for the 21st century Welsh (cymraeg) speakers and learners, translated by the Bible Society in 1988 and revised in 2004. Now available with a specially compiled Concordance and Names Index

£11.87Was £16.95

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Good News Bible (GNB) Gospel of John (Pack of 10)

Discover the life of Jesus from his early ministry to his death and resurrection in the Gospel of John, here presented succinctly in a handy, easy to read booklet.


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Chinese Study Bible International

Discover this new Chinese Study Bible combining the most popular Chinese Bible translation, the CUV, with study materials and Bible commentary from the ESV Study Bible.


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Making Good Sense of the Bible Together (Digital Edition)

Making Good Sense of the Bible Together is a six-session introduction to biblical interpretation and has now been adapted into a printer-friendly digital format suitable for any online small group.


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Llawlyfr Cwrs y Beibl (Welsh Bible Course Manual)

Cyfieithiad Cymraeg o'r Beibl Cwrs Llawlyfr, 3ydd argraffiad cludo am ddim wrth brynu saith neu fwy o gopïau!


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