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The Dead Sea Series

Welcome to a new series of Bible Trek! In this collection of films, Andrew Ollerton takes us to the Dead Sea region – the lowest point on earth at 1,300 ft below sea level. In this series, we visit the Qumran Caves where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 as well as the caves of En Gedi where David hid from Saul. We also get to see the region from the hilltop of Masada and look out over the Jordan Rift Valley where the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa meet. 

With a new series released every fortnight, subscribe to the Bible Trek YouTube channel to be first in line for the next trek!

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Hiding Bible texts from the Romans | Bible Trek – The Dead Sea series - 02

Cave 4 is an iconic site for biblical scholars and enthusiasts. In AD68, the Essene community hid biblical texts from the Romans in these caves. Discovered by shepherd boys in 1947, clay pots contained thousands of fragments...

The Dead Sea scrolls at Qumran | Bible Trek – The Dead Sea series - 01

In this episode, we visit the lowest point on earth, 1300ft below sea level! Here the Essene community, who lived by the Dead Sea, carefully preserved and copied the Scriptures. In AD68, they hid the texts from the Romans...
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