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Meditation for hope

Looking to unlock a fresh sense of hope in your life? Inspired by ancient words of wisdom found in the Bible, our guided meditation invites you to discover spiritual hope for yourself.

Creating space for you to explore what it might mean to trust in a higher presence with a plan for goodness, this meditation helps you invite spiritual hope into the situations you face today.

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Meditate on hope ...

Take a moment to think about hope. What makes you feel hopeful? Are there areas of your life where hope feels out of reach? And have you ever explored the idea of spiritual hope – what it would mean to trust in something bigger than yourself to bring about goodness?

Our guided meditation explores the approach of ancient biblical writers, whose spiritual beliefs offered a deep, enduring source of hope in their lives. 

Why not see if their experiences can offer you a fresh perspective on the things you’re facing today?

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‘We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.’ 

Letter to the Hebrews, the Bible

The story behind these words

This meditation is based on a quote from a letter to some of the first Jewish Christians. It’s thought to have been written around 70–80 CE, when Christians faced persecution for their beliefs under the Roman Emperor, Nero. The letter offers encouragement in the toughest times, guiding its readers on how to stay hopeful despite oppression.   

The writer reminds them of God’s promises in the past. Talking their spiritual language, the readers are offered reassurance. They’re encouraged to hold onto the hope that they’ll receive what God has promised them.   

That’s why the writer uses the image of an anchor. Built on his trust in the words of God, hope isn’t fickle or fleeting. It’s strong, firm and secure because it’s based on the belief that God has a plan for goodness. And so, for the writer, this hope is like an anchor for the soul: steady, however daunting the challenges.

As you listen to this meditation, we hope it helps you experience a deep sense of hope, whatever you might be facing today.

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