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Day 1: Psalm 40.1–8

Read the passage on our online Bible: Psalm 40.1–8 (NIV)


Firstly, I want to encourage you that regardless of how close or distant you feel to God right now, if you've received Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, you’re already journeying with the Holy Spirit. 

Over the past few years, I’ve been reading my Bible more and watching a lot more Christian content. But when I think about how much time I’ve intentionally spent with God, there’s a gap.  

As a teenager, I would spend hours singing worship to God in my bedroom. I loved being close to God in those times. But now, after church on a Sunday it often feels as though my life just continues, and throughout the week I neglect my relationship with him; the Holy Spirit who lives within me feels far away. 

So today, I sit and ask the Holy Spirit to show me what we should talk about … 

I wait and cycle through subjects I think are important to him: sin, not reading my Bible enough, not praying enough … I listen, and I hear nothing. 

I mention rest, my worries and my doubts and I feel my heart open. The Holy Spirit starts pulling things to the surface and I share them all with the Father. 

The tears flow and the Lord speaks to me as I give him my concerns:  

‘Lord, I’m worried that my children won’t come to love you.’

‘Entrust them to me,’ he says, reminding me of his authority over all things and his gentleness. 

‘Father, I trust you.’ 

I invite the Holy spirit to dig deep into my life, looking beyond the surface ‘symptoms’ and getting to the real issues and worries that sometimes feel as though they’ll drown me. 

As the Holy Spirit draws out these things, and as I speak with him honestly, he pulls me out of that slimy pit of distress and places me on a rock, just as David described. And I feel peace. 

So, I want to encourage you not to forget that you too are journeying with the Holy Spirit. If you don’t know what to say to God, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in prayer and wait. Come before the king who reigns above every kingdom and speak in all honesty and truth. The Holy Spirit doesn’t leave us to wander on our own, but is with us every step of the way!

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