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Day 3: John 14.23–27

Read the passage on our online Bible: John 14.23–27


Jesus was going to leave them, that much was clear to the disciples. He was going to his Father and they would be by themselves. Sadness, anxiety and doubt flooded their minds.  

They’d left everything behind to follow him. They believed he was the one, God’s promised rescuer. And the way he taught, his words striking their hearts, was divine. The elements moved at his command. He brought restoration for lepers, freedom to the tormented, life to the dead.  

This was God, closer than they had ever thought possible – God among them, God for them. Why was he going away? 

But the Son of Man had a parting gift for them and for all those he loves, who love him – the Paraclete. It means an agent to look after them, coming alongside them, fighting their battles with them. A helper they can rely on when there are difficulties, bringing comfort when the pain and sorrow they face feels too much. Someone who is close enough to know their situation and appreciate their anxieties, while also having the ear of the Father in heaven, to relay their needs to him. Although they were to be separated from their Rabbi, Jesus promised them a guide and companion in his physical absence.  

This helper is the Spirit of God. Jesus told them that while he was going away, he and his Father would make their home with them. The helper would be with them, and this helper is one with the Father and his Son. He comes in Jesus’ name, and the work Jesus did before their eyes, the helper would do in their hearts. He would remind them of everything their Rabbi had said, and teach them all things. They would no longer be confused by what Jesus had told them because the helper translates the word of God to the heart of man.  

This is God, closer than they thought possible – God among them, God making his home in their hearts.  

Oh the richness of the goodness of God! He made himself known, as one of us, a human who was touchable, spoke the mind of God, and gave his life for us. And he sent us a helper, who continues to speak the mind of God in the hearts of all who love him today, who walks with us on our journey, and never leaves.

He does not give as the world gives: ‘Peace I leave you, my peace I give you. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.’ 

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