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Day 7: Exodus 13.21–22

Read the passage on our online Bible: Exodus 13.21–22


As we embark on our journey through life, we are not alone. Just as the Holy Spirit guided the Israelites during their journey out of Egypt, the Spirit continues to guide us today. The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night served as visible reminders of God's presence among his people. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is with us, leading and illuminating our path every step of the way.  

In the daytime, the pillar of cloud provided shade and direction for the Israelites. They were shielded from the scorching desert sun and guided along the right path. Likewise, the Holy Spirit offers us comfort and guidance in the midst of life's challenges. When we feel overwhelmed by the heat of trials and uncertainties, the Spirit provides shade and direction, leading us towards God's perfect will.  

At night, the pillar of fire illuminated the Israelites' path, dispelling the darkness and instilling courage in their hearts. In the same way, the Holy Spirit shines as a light in our darkest moments, revealing the way forward and filling us with hope. When we walk through the valleys of life's struggles and fears, the Spirit is our constant companion, guiding us safely to our destination.  

Just as the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night never left its place in front of the Israelites, the Holy Spirit remains steadfast. In the commitment to lead and protect us, the Holy Spirit never wavers or forsakes us, but faithfully accompanies us on our journey, from beginning to end.  

The Mary Jones story speaks of long journey that a young girl was prepared to take, more than 220 years ago, to get her own Bible. Her tenacity inspired the founding of Bible Society in 1804. 

So let us journey forward with confidence, knowing that we are guided by the same Holy Spirit who led the Israelites through the wilderness and gave Mary the resilience to be able to buy her own Bible. May we trust this guidance, follow this direction, and walk in the light of the Holy Spirit’s presence all the days of our lives. 


Heavenly Father, thank you for the Holy Spirit who guides us on our journey through life. Help us to trust in your leading, to follow where you go, and to walk in the light of your presence. May we find comfort, courage and hope in your steadfast love. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

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