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Day 8: Psalm 119.105 and Proverbs 3.5–6

Read the passages on our online Bible: Psalm 119.105 and Proverbs 3.5–6


I often wonder whether Mary Jones thought about these verses as she journeyed through the foothills of Cadair Idris, aged just 15.

Inspired by her love for the Bible, she’d spent six years saving as much money as she could. Then she set out on a 26-mile pilgrimage, across the rugged terrain of the Welsh mountains, all to be able to have God’s word in her own language: Y Beibl Cymraeg.

Did Mary feel tired on her walk? Did she hesitate half way through? Or did she feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, empowering and invigorating her on her journey to Bala?

The story of Mary’s passionate commitment to getting a Bible in her own language connects with people of all ages and backgrounds. She yearned to be able to read God’s word and strengthen her relationship with him. In turn, her walk, and the Bible mission movement it inspired, has enabled millions of people around the world to have the same opportunity.

What would she think of this impact? Would she be amused at the thought of young children dressing up and reenacting her story?

Today, you only need to turn on the TV or radio to be reminded of the horrors that are happening across the world. It’s easy to wonder how our tiny actions can help those in desperate need. And it’s easy to feel weary and frustrated when our efforts as Christians don’t seem to bear the good fruit we seek.

Proverbs 3.5–6 reminds us, ‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.’

Reflecting on my own journey through life, I’m reminded of times when the word has been a lamp to my path and I have placed my trust in God for guidance. Whether that was in my teenage years or when I became a first-time mother in the middle of the global pandemic, my love for Scripture equipped me with reminders – while the path ahead may be difficult and unclear, my commitment to God allows me to be confident in taking those first small steps.

While I’d love to be able to sit with Mary Jones and ask her all my questions, I have a sense of peace knowing that sharing her story and the story of Thomas Charles will inspire people around the world to pick up their Bibles, in their languages and invite God into their personal journey with the Holy Spirit.

What is the Holy Spirit’s invitation to you today? Is it opening your Bible and diving deeper into God’s word? Is it finding a quiet place to sit in his presence and pray? Perhaps it’s going on your own pilgrimage? That’s up to you to decide.

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