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135 results for: 'Beyond Disaster'

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Comforter and advocate: Isaiah 51 (Day 170)

This prophecy is addressed to a people who have been struck down and laid waste by their oppressors and by devastating circumstances that are beyond their control. One of the key themes in the chapter is ‘comfort’, especially in verses 12–16.

God’s compassion for his suffering people: Isaiah 49 (Day 168)

In Isaiah 49, God’s compassion for his suffering people is so total and overflowing that there is no hint of further judgement. It is a chapter about a complete reversal of fortunes. The nation has hit rock bottom – desolate, devastated and swall...

Pedal power puts even more mileage into Bible mission

Bike for Bibles 2021 has been a great success, putting more mileage into Bible mission worldwide.

God’s seeds sown in Niger need special care

Hama Yaye, who leads our team in Niger, gives an extraordinary eyewitness account of the Bible mission that Bible Society supporters are making possible in one of Africa’s toughest places.

Chadians hope first full Bible translation will help bring peace

The very first full Bible in Chadian Arabic – the lingua franca used by more than 60 per cent of the population of Chad – has been launched, just a few weeks after the country’s president was killed.

You can give the Bible to children in the Middle East

This Christmas you can help reach thousands of children in Syria, Lebanon and Jordan by supporting the distribution work of dedicated Bible mission teams in those places today.

Racial Justice and the Church

George Floyd’s death focused world attention on the consequences of racism. Girma Mohammed asks what the Church should be saying.

Will you help provide 4x4s in Africa?

Mission teams are urgently asking for your help to replace failing vehicles. They’ve got piles of Bibles waiting to be delivered to remote communities that the teams can’t reach without new 4x4s.

One year on: 5 things we've learned from Covid-19

We've known grief, fear and frustration, writes Mark Woods – but we've been taught some life lessons too.

On the authority and credibility of Scripture

Walter Moberly is Professor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation at Durham University and the author of numerous books.

How YOU saved Bible mission in the year of the pandemic (Part 2)

Panama, Belarus and Costa Rica are just three of 35 countries whose Bible Societies may not have survived the pandemic if it wasn’t for the generosity of Bible Society supporters through the Solidarity Fund.

Will you bring the Bible to remote communities in the shadow of extremism?

People living under the threat of Boko Haram are longing to hear God’s word. You can put the Bible in their hands today.

Happy are those who believe: John 20.24–29 (Day 364)

John's stories of Jesus' resurrection appearances are the most vivid, memorable and personal of all the Gospel writers. One of them in this chapter is his encounter with Thomas – for ever afterwards, rather unfairly, called 'Doubting...

The divine king: Zechariah 9 (Day 356)

The context of this chapter is war – the destruction of Israel’s enemies as God judges in favour of his own people. It is written, of course, from the viewpoint of the Israelites, who feel themselves to be oppressed by the greater power of their ...

Coronavirus Christmas: Bible hope in troubled times

‘Christmas is cancelled’, the headlines say. For many, it will be agonisingly difficult.

Judgement with a purpose: Amos 3.1–7 (Day 318)

Amos 3 appeals again to the special covenant Israel has with God. Israel has been chosen specially to represent God among the nations, and therefore it is important for them to enact justice on the earth.

Anti-Semitic?: Luke 14.15–24 (Day 334)

Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? Historically, verses like ‘His blood be on us, and on our children’ (Matthew 27.25, KJV) have been used to mark Jews as Jesus murderers and to justify violence against them. Some passages in the Gospels and the ...

Christians in Niger have lost everything in huge floods

They want to hear God’s word and they’re asking if you will help replace their Bibles.

Grief and rage in exile: Psalm 137.1–9 (Day 311)

The first part of Psalm 137 is a plaintive lament for what the people of God in exile have lost. The psalmist is disconnected from the Temple and the land, and therefore from God. How can he 'sing a song to the Lord in a foreign land?' (ver...

Six reasons why community gardening is good for us

If you enjoy gardening, or are just dipping your toe into it, you’ll know the real pleasures that it can bring, writes Hazel Southam. Creating a community garden with like-minded people, can be transformational, for individuals, the neighbourhood, ...



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