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135 results for: 'Beyond Disaster'

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'Please remember us': Islamist attack on Burkina Faso church leaves 6 dead

Gunmen attacked a church in northern Burkina Faso last Sunday, killing six people. A priest was among the dead.

How would a biblical writer respond to the image of a black hole?

In light of the first images of a black hole, Mark Woods explores the beauty of space, and how the Bible can help give expression to our response.

Loving your digital neighbour

Director of Theos Think Tank, Elizabeth Oldfield, explores new media and reconciliation in an age of incivility

Church growth in rural communities

Though the prevailing narrative is one of decline and closure, Rural churches can and do grow in terms of discipleship, numbers and service. Jill Hopkinson explores.

People long for the Bible in the most volatile dangerous places

Ken Dachi has just got back from the Central African Republic, where he met people in volatile circumstances who are hungry for the Bible.

Provide the Bible in Africa’s toughest places

In the Central African Republic, violence is everywhere and poverty is rife. But in this volatile, dangerous place, people long for the Bible. You can help provide it today.

Why Albert is living in fear

Like many people living with albinism in Swaziland, Albert fears for his life. But thanks to our supporters, the Bible revives his soul. Read his story. 

‘What joy you’ve placed in our hearts!’ say Sierra Leone mudslide survivors

Hundreds of mudslide survivors are grateful for the help brought to them so far in Sierra Leone but much more needs to be done to help people rebuild their lives, reports Raymond Jarrett.

The incredible impact of 40 years of support

My time as Chief Executive at Bible Society is measured in months, not years. However, even in this short time I feel privileged to be associated with such an amazing work.

China’s pastor crisis

It’s 4 am and still dark in the small town of Luhe in central China. The town is asleep, but Revd Liu Xiaofan is awake. Every day for the last 35 years, he’s risen at this time.

Everyday Life - Catholic resources

The Bible is a collection of practical wisdom and of stories about God’s presence in the daily lives of many people. As a result, you might be surprised how easily Scripture applies to your own life.

Signs and Seasons - Catholic resources

Catholics have always recognised how words, actions and symbols all speak powerfully to the soul. By fully engaging with these signs and seasons, we can easily bring the message of Scripture to life in our daily lives.

The Big Picture - Catholic resources

The Bible is a book for everybody, where we meet together. For Catholics, benefiting from the wisdom of others – saints and scholars, popes and parishioners – can help to see the bigger picture and appreciate the message of Scripture more deeply.

On journeying into the wilderness and Lent

Lent can, if we let it, summon us from the safe harbours of our lives into a wide expanse of existence. Are you ready to journey into the wilderness this Lent?

The surprising ambiguity of the wilderness

Thought the wilderness was just a place of desolation? Think again. Paula Gooder reflects on the ‘great and terrible’ nature of the wilderness.



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