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631 results for: 'Catholic'

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The God Who Speaks: The Bible for Catholics

The God Who Speaks is our latest initiative in partnership with the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

Results from the Shop (view all)

Good News Bible – Catholic Edition

Grow your personal and group study with the GNB Catholic Edition. This Bible includes the Deuterocanonical books in Septuagint order as well as line drawings by Annie Vallotton.

Mass Observation: A guide to working with Catholics

This full-colour handy guide shows you the key teachings and traditions of Catholicism, its culture, practices and top tips for working in a Catholic context.

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue) - Catholic Edition

Discover the anglicised New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue) Bible. This Catholic Edition contains the deuterocanonical books in Septuagint order.

Catholic Bibles

View the Catholic Bibles available to buy from the Bible Society online shop.

I grew up in Catholic Ireland

I grew up in Catholic Ireland and the Scriptures played a very limited part in our lives. The story that I love from the Bible is Jesus meeting the woman taken in adultery.

Sources of Wisdom resources – AQA Catholic Christianity

These resources have been designed to complement the Catholic Christianity component of the AQA GCSE Religious Studies B specification.

Sources of Wisdom resources – Edexcel Catholic Christianity

These resources have been designed to complement the Catholic Christianity component of the Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies A specification.

Sources of Wisdom resources – Eduqas Catholic Christianity

These resources have been designed to complement the Foundational and Applied Catholic Theology components of the Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies specification.

I was brought up in Uganda in a Roman Catholic Church.

I was brought up in Uganda in a Roman Catholic Church. The Protestant Church of Uganda were the Bible readers and we were concerned that they had gone around the bend because of it.

Word on the Go - Catholic resources

The Bible is a collection of practical wisdom and of stories about God’s presence in the daily lives of many people. As a result, you might be surprised how easily Scripture applies to your own life.

The verses that mean the most to me are Matthew

The verses that mean the most to me are Matthew 25.34-35, which say, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” I was working in Afghanistan. We had a...

My husband and I were married for 50 years

'My husband and I were married for 50 years. I met him at a Catholic Club. He came in and I thought, ‘Isn’t he nice?’ I didn’t go for a few weeks, and then there was a play, so I went to that. I was in the front row and he came and sat n...

School chaplain resources

We want to equip school chaplains so that you can help the students, staff and families that you work with to engage with the Bible.

Translation and Production

People have been translating the Bible for hundreds of years. Read how the English translation of the Bible came to be.

Bible Q&A: Between the Testaments

What happened between the end of the Old Testament and the start of the New Testament?

Our trustees

Our trustees provide advice and support, and ensure we comply with the expectations of the Charity Commission and with our Royal Charter.

Children's and Family Resources

Resources for families to encounter the Bible together

An Invitation to Hope: Mission through Prayer and Lament

It’s time to come together to pray, reflect and ask a key question: what is God saying to us?

The Bible in TransMission - Spring 2010

Shaping a Nation: The influence of the Bible on British culture

From scrolls to scrolling: how technology has shaped our Bible reading

The way we read the Bible is changing, but does it matter, and if so, why? Dr Stephen Holmes explores.

Anthem of the free

Has the gentle nature of Christmas carols dulled the subversive quality of The Magnificat? Paul Woolley takes a fresh look at the original Christmas song and shows us how Mary, its author, ushers in a new world order. 



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