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631 results for: 'Catholic'

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A hymn in time of national trouble: Psalm 89 (Day 278)

Psalm 89 is a Royal Psalm, one of a selection of psalms which all feature content concerning the relationship between God and the king. For example, some relate to coronations, some appeal for aid before battle, and some are for royal weddings.

A new heart and a new mind: Ezekiel 11 (Day 251)

Ezekiel is taken by the Spirit to the east gate of the temple, where the 'glory of the Lord' had stopped before totally abandoning the sanctuary. This idea of the 'glory of the Lord' is a recurring Old Testament motif –'She...

‘What I have said will be done’: Ezekiel 12 (Day 252)

Chapters 12–19 are a series of prophecies about the fate of Jerusalem, which include the flight of the prince from Jerusalem and the continued misery of those in the city. First, there is another prophetic action. God ordered Ezekiel to prepare an ...

False prophets condemned: Ezekiel 13 (Day 253)

Ezekiel’s next vision describes the many false prophets who prophesied out of their own imaginations, and not from a true vision sent by God. So in place of telling the truth, they have told lies, using phrases such as 'thus says the Lord'...

The certainty of the LORD’s judgement: Ezekiel 14 (Day 254)

God rebukes those who believe that they can use him as a fortune-teller, especially those who call themselves elders, without even respecting him enough to worship and praise him as their God.

A useless vine: Ezekiel 15 (Day 255)

In Ezekiel’s next vision, he is shown a useless vine. The wood of this vine is good for nothing if it does not bear fruit, unlike other woods from which many things are made for our use and benefit. This image is comparable to the image of Israel a...

‘What a sick heart you have’: Ezekiel 16 (Day 256)

In extensive detail, Israel is compared with the bride of God. Yet she has been repeatedly unfaithful, and played the prostitute to many other nations. This chapter is written in a language very similar to the bride/harlot comparison in the book of H...

Two eagles, a cedar and a vine: Ezekiel 17 (Day 257)

This vision is a message concerning Jewish royalty and the world powers of Ezekiel's time. It is first presented as a riddle or parable of two great eagles, a cedar tree and a vine. The exiles with Ezekiel are given some time to make sense of it...

Scripture Crash Course - Catholic resources

If you would appreciate some guidance before diving into the Bible, we’ve put together a short ‘crash course’ for you. In this section, you’ll find seven key points to help you get the most out of your time with Scripture.

Getting Started - Catholic resources

Getting started with Scripture isn’t as hard as you might think. With an easy-to-read translation, engaging with the Bible can be as simple as reflecting for just five minutes on one sentence or passage.

Prayer - Catholic resources

Scripture is a fantastic prayer book. Praying with the word is a powerful way of tuning in to God. And it needn’t be a headache - there are many simple ways that you can use the Bible to pray.

Get Creative - Catholic resources

Throughout Christian history, Scripture has been the source of inspiration for many works of art, architecture, and music. As a result, the creative world can be a simple and enjoyable way to start exploring the Bible.

Jerome: The ancient saint who's still inspiring Bible reading

Today (30 September) marks the feast day of St Jerome, one of the most influential figures in all Christian history.


Find out the spiritual makeup of the Aberavon area and explore its social and spiritual mix.


Find out the spiritual makeup of the Aberconwy area and explore its social and spiritual mix.


Find out the spiritual makeup of the Aldershot area and explore its social and spiritual mix.

Aldridge - Brownhills

Find out the spiritual makeup of the Aldridge - Brownhills area and explore its social and spiritual mix.

Altrincham & Sale West

Find out the spiritual makeup of the Altrincham & Sale West area and explore its social and spiritual mix.

Alyn & Deeside

Find out the spiritual makeup of the Alyn & Deeside area and explore its social and spiritual mix.

Amber Valley

Find out the spiritual makeup of the Amber Valley area and explore its social and spiritual mix.



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