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53 results for: 'Dyslexia gospels'

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I have something to tell you: Luke 7.36–50 (Day 327)

The story of Jesus' encounter at Simon's house is very moving, and very challenging. A meal for guests at that time, perhaps held in an open courtyard, would have been more accessible to uninvited strangers than it would be for us today. Am...

Everything I have commanded: Matthew 28.16–20 (Day 199)

We're very used to reading the last verses of Matthew's gospel – verses 19 and 20 – as the 'Great Commission', Jesus' command to his disciples to go 'to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples'. Most ...

God made visible: Colossians 1.15–23 (Day 90)

In Colossians, Paul lays out a vision of Christian living focused on the person of Jesus. The first chapter contains a lyrical passage, almost a hymn, in which he unpacks the implications of the incarnation.

Mark 7.24–30: Even the dogs eat the crumbs (Day 35)

This is a strange story, because it seems to show Jesus treating harshly someone who comes to him in desperate need ...

Does the Bible contain 'antisemitic texts'?

Is the Bible antisemitic? According to the way a disturbing incident on the London Underground on Friday was reported by the media, yes it is.

What happened on Good Friday?

‘Easter Sunday’ is obvious – it’s when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. But what about ‘Good Friday’ – what’s so good about it?

Getting Started - Catholic resources

Getting started with Scripture isn’t as hard as you might think. With an easy-to-read translation, engaging with the Bible can be as simple as reflecting for just five minutes on one sentence or passage.

Your Story - Catholic resources

The Bible is packed with an amazing range of people, each with their own life stories and perspectives on the world. Reflecting on how God spoke through them - and to them - can help us connect Scripture with our own lives today.

Everyday Life - Catholic resources

The Bible is a collection of practical wisdom and of stories about God’s presence in the daily lives of many people. As a result, you might be surprised how easily Scripture applies to your own life.

Signs and Seasons - Catholic resources

Catholics have always recognised how words, actions and symbols all speak powerfully to the soul. By fully engaging with these signs and seasons, we can easily bring the message of Scripture to life in our daily lives.

Scripture Crash Course - Catholic resources

If you would appreciate some guidance before diving into the Bible, we’ve put together a short ‘crash course’ for you. In this section, you’ll find seven key points to help you get the most out of your time with Scripture.

Prayer - Catholic resources

Scripture is a fantastic prayer book. Praying with the word is a powerful way of tuning in to God. And it needn’t be a headache - there are many simple ways that you can use the Bible to pray.

How the Gospel of Luke changed the life of a former drug dealer

Algeria is a hostile place to be a Christian, but Christianity is growing. For former-drug dealer, Idir, life has been transformed through discovering Christ – and it all began with the Gospel of Luke…



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