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92 results for: 'Genesis'

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Bible Q&A: Why doesn’t God stop all bad things from happening?

I suspect more people than usual will currently be asking this question. Christians naturally turn to the Bible, yet the Bible offers no seamless answer to the problem of pain. It speaks in stories and images, and tackles this thorny issue in more wa...

Story of the Bible, Act 9: Pentecost

Pentecost marks the birthday of the Church! A handful of bewildered but hopeful disciples became a world-changing force that brought the life-changing message of salvation to millions.

What does the Bible say about legacy?

Today, when we think about ‘legacy’ we probably think first of making sure our money and property are passed down to the next generation when we die. In Bible times, too, this was an important concern, and people’s first instinct was that wealt...

Why should Christians read the Old Testament?

One answer is that the whole Bible is inspired by God, and it’s all his word to us. Another is that it’s full of great stories and wonderful verse that feeds our spirits. Another is that the world of the New Testament grew directly out of the wor...

What does Philippians tell us about the life of the Apostle Paul?

Paul is the Christian apostle who spread the gospel of Jesus after his radical conversion. He planted church communities across Asia Minor and Europe, raised people from the dead, and was jailed for Jesus. But this is the Christian Paul. What about b...

Why are asylum seekers so important to God?

Britain in 2024 is obsessed with asylum seekers. Migration is a huge issue in the Bible too. Explore the stories of migrants in the Bible.

Genesis 3: Human nature revealed (Day 3)

The Bible's first two chapters paint a picture of God's creation in harmony: people, living creatures and the natural world all fit perfectly together. The creation myths of the time these stories were written described a world born out of ...

Genesis 27: God uses who he chooses (Day 26)

If you've tracked the stories and reflections this week, you might share my amazement at how often things go wrong as God's will is brought about. The human side of things is messy! Echoes of Genesis 3 are evident in this chapter as with th...

The Garden of Eden: Genesis 2.1–25 (Day 2)

The second chapter of Genesis is a different creation story, complementing the first. This one focuses not on the grand architecture of the universe, but on the human world. The first man is formed from the dust of the ground: he is of the earth, lik...

How should Christians do politics?

Christian approaches to political engagement often fall into one of two camps: ‘distinctive’ or ‘engaged’. The Bible instead calls the Christian to ‘distinctive engagement’ in politics, where we get thoroughly engaged in politics, but wit...

Genesis 4: The power of evil (Day 4)

In Genesis 4, we're face to face with some of the darkest instincts of human beings. The two sons of Adam and Eve offer sacrifices; Abel's animal sacrifices are accepted, but Cain's grain offerings aren't. There's no indicati...

Genesis 15.1–6: Righteousness through faith (Day 14)

In Genesis 15, God makes a formal covenant with Abraham, evidently in a form that would have been recognisable in that ancient Middle Eastern context. However strange the details, the human situation is very recognisable. In an age when eternal sign...

Pray for peace

Join us in prayer for peace and for Bible mission around the world. Bible Society leaders in four countries deeply affected by conflict share their prayers. ‘God, use your people in these countries to be peacemakers.’

Caring for creation in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, Bible Society is working with churches to encourage better environmental stewardship and help preserve the country’s rich biodiversity.

Gangs, drugs and Jesus

Children growing up in poverty, surrounded by illiteracy and violence, are embracing Jesus.

From creation to resurrection: following the Holy Spirit through Scripture

Explore the role of the Holy Spirit, our giver of gifts, throughout the story of Scripture.

A divine delivery for a young Chinese minister

Stringent Covid control measures implemented across China meant Bible seminary graduate Yu Feng had to wait almost a year for his free copy of the Chinese Study Bible (CSB) to arrive.

Joseph in Egypt | Egypt Series (Part 1) – 03

The story of Joseph in the Bible is one of the most well known in the Old Testament, not least because of the famous Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat musical.

Genesis 24.1–9: What really matters (Day 23)

Tension is building as the scene is set: Abraham is old, God has blessed him and he's wrapping things up. He’s about to complete his final act: finding a wife for his son and thereby securing his family line. The formality of the agreement be...

Come and see: John 1.43–51 (Day 345)

John's Gospel is different from the others. His tone and language are different; there are longer stretches of teaching, and fewer but longer stories, some of them different from the other Gospels. It begins with a unique sermon-poem. Where Matt...



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