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92 results for: 'Genesis'

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A prayer for help: Psalm 86 (Day 276)

This is an individual lament, ascribed to David. In it, David seems to be in a desperate situation where he fears for his life. Despite this, rather than dwelling on his own danger, David spends most of the psalm meditating on God’s divine nature a...

You are that man: 2 Samuel 12.1–15 (Day 259)

David had committed the perfect crime. As we know from any number of Hollywood movies, though, there's always a catch. In this case, the catch was the prophet Nathan. He tells David a parable. The poor man is Uriah; the pet lamb is Bathsheba; Da...

By faith alone: Romans 1.16–25 (Day 223)

Romans is Paul's most purely 'theological' letter. He had not yet visited the church there, though he knows several of its members. The letter seems to have been written to outline what he believes as a way of introducing himself. It&#...

Is the Bible racist?

The death of George Floyd at the hands of police in the US – and more recently of Rayshard Brooks – has galvanised anti-racism activism under the 'Black Lives Matter' banner.

God is patient: 2 Peter 3.1–9 (Day 141)

At the end of his second letter, Peter reminds his readers of something fundamental. The world they think is secure, in which tomorrow will be the same as yesterday and any change is likely to be for the better, isn't really like that at all.

The Bible and Mental Health: Separation

God did not create us as loners. Ask anyone going through homesickness, bereavement or lover’s grief. The Bible records a moving incident in the mission of the apostle Paul as he says a final farewell to the leaders of the church in Ephesus...

The priest who meets our needs: Hebrews 7.11–28 (Day 122)

As we read this chapter, it might help to remind ourselves of the title of the book – it's the letter to the Hebrews. In other words, it's aimed at Jewish Christians deeply immersed in what we call the Old Testament. They were looking for...

Job 16–17: ‘I have done no wrong, and my prayer is pure’ (Day 48)

There’s no comfort in the words of Job’s friends, who insist on seeing his suffering as a sign of his guilt. Neither defending himself nor staying silent alleviate his situation. It does seem like God is his enemy.

What does the Bible say about the moon?

This day in 1969 marked the beginning of the most extraordinary voyage in human history. The best brains in the US, billions of dollars and the remarkable courage of three men – Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins – combined in an ent...

First meal on the moon: how Buzz Aldrin took communion (and why NASA hushed it up)

Almost everyone knows Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to stand on the moon. Almost everyone knows what Armstrong said: 'That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.' But how many know what Buzz Al...

Why does the General Election matter?

As we draw closer to the General Election, Paul Woolley asks: why does it matter and what does the Bible have to say about it?

8 love stories of biblical proportions

We love seeing how people respond to Scripture for the first time – so for Valentine's Day we asked Lucas Howe, a recent graduate who’d never read the Bible before, to look at some famous biblical romances and give us his first impressions o...



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