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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Re-imagining the Church in a rapidly changing culture

Linda Rayner explores what it means to be church in a culture in flux.

Tears and Celebration

In response to the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, charities LICC and Bible Society are releasing ‘Tears and Celebration’, a new hymn featuring world-renowned mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins, written by Andy Flannagan with Sam Hargreaves.

(Un)conditional: What does Father Christmas show us about the gospel?

Father Christmas reveals the world’s conditional love, whilst the gospel reveals God’s unconditional love.

Paul's guide to Christian living

Following Christ’s example and glorifying God in our lives is a challenge and requires costly effort. Paul’s teachings on this aren’t easy or comfortable to hear but they are purposeful, practical and life-giving. Looking at Romans 12 and Phili...

On fire for Jesus in The Gambia

Michael Ellis wishes you could visit him in The Gambia to see how Bible mission is thriving in this small West African nation.

Bible Q&A: Why were the books of the New Testament written so long after the events?

The other day, someone pulled up in a brand-new Tesla. It stood out, not just because of its sleek shape and immaculate sheen; it stood out in a car park crammed with CO2-spouting, planet-heating fuel guzzlers...

Story of the Bible, Act 7: Resurrection

Mark 16.6 tells us that when the broken-hearted women went to the tomb after the crucifixion, an angel told them: 'He is not here – he has been raised!' (GNB).

Bread and wine

Whether or not you go to church, you’ll probably be aware that Communion is often at the heart of the service.It tends to be a fairly solemn, soul-searching affair. Originally it was more about Christians sharing a meal together ...

Lamentations and the gift of prayer

While God’s mercy is affirmed in the book of Lamentations 3.21–24, Dr Heath Thomas explores how the cry of 'kyrie eleison!' can become a model for the Church today.

Read your Bible... if you want to grow

Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh uses the story of Noah's Ark, personal anecdote and thoughtful research to help us reconsider how we read the Bible with children.

Bible Q&A: Why bother about this planet if there's going to be a new earth?

What is the relationship between the new heaven and the new earth in the Book of Revelation? If there is to be a new earth and the present one is to be destroyed, how far should Christians be concerned about the conservation of the old and the green ...

Bible Q&A: Two testaments, one God

Why does God seem angrier in the Old Testament, and more loving in the New Testament?

Jesus enters Jerusalem | Bible Trek – Easter Series - 01

Six hundred years before the Palm Sunday event, a prophet named Zechariah stated that a king would come into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The crowds celebrated Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem...

What is Lent all about?

Lent is a traditional period in the Church calendar which marks the advent of Easter. When it technically starts and ends depends on the Church tradition.

Why does Paul write about unity?

Unity was a key theme of Paul’s teaching and he wrote about it in many of his letters to churches. Just like believers today, the Christians of the early Church had fallings out and arguments that caused division, so Paul had to remind them to stri...

Bible in a year: September

Tom's still reading the Bible. Hurrah. Here's what he's learning.

Bible Q&A: Christian morals and values

Should Christians impose their biblically-driven morals and values on society, or keep quiet?

What does Psalm 91 really say about the coronavirus?

Psalm 91 is a beautiful song that speaks of trust in God in the darkest of times. Because of its references to 'diseases' and 'plagues', it seems to be designed for what the world is going through at the moment with the coronavirus.

Bible Q&A: What’s the most accurate Bible translation?

Occasionally, Bible translators struggle to accurately translate a word, phrase or sentence. As a reader you may try reading more than one English translation, side by side, to appreciate the range of meanings a word or phrase can have.



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