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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Story of the Bible, Act 5: The Prophets

The Old Testament prophets spoke the words of God into their own situations. Sometimes these words were fiery rebukes for the people's sin; sometimes they were prophecies of judgement on their enemies; sometimes they were words of comfort in the...

I love the story of Thomas in John 20.24–29.

I love the story of Thomas in John 20.24–29. He knew that there was such a thing as fake news. People didn’t rise from the dead, did they?

My confirmation verse was Jeremiah 31.3

My confirmation verse was Jeremiah 31.3: “The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love: I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.’”

In 1971 I was privileged to be offered a position for the NSPCC

In 1971 I was privileged to be offered a position for the NSPCC, running a playgroup in Belfast. I had always worked with children. The first day I went in, I wasn’t prepared

What does the Bible say about legacy?

Today, when we think about ‘legacy’ we probably think first of making sure our money and property are passed down to the next generation when we die. In Bible times, too, this was an important concern, and people’s first instinct was that wealt...

Finding God in the great outdoors

Andrew Ollerton discusses The Map and the Mountain, a short film by Bible Society that captures his journey with God summiting a 4,067m-high peak in the Swiss Alps.

Word in Action

We’re bringing the Bible to life. Read all about it in Word in Action, our magazine produced three times a year. It’s full of inspiring stories from around the world.

Spoken Truth – Gospel Truth Spoken Word

Check out these spoken word films by poet Dai Woolridge, creatively bringing the Bible to life. An award-winning storyteller poet from South Wales, Dai blends rhythm and rhyme with passion, playfulness, and colloquial prose.

Good news: a two-part Christmas spoken word

This Christmas, Dai Woolridge has put together a two-part film re-telling the nativity story from the shepherds’ perspective.

Hear prayers from the Bible Lands

Mission teams in the Bible Lands asked for help, and you answered. A month ago, when Israel suffered its worst attack in decades, the teams led by Victor, Dina and Nashat knew their work in a painfully divided region would now be more needed than ever.

Tom's half way through Bible in a year!

Tom reaches the half way point of his Bible in a year plan. We found out how it's going and whether it's responsible for his grey hair.

The Book of James: A whistle-stop tour

Our Book of the Month for July is the Letter of James. It is a short letter – only five chapters – but it has some extraordinarily deep and challenging teaching within it.

Bible Q&A: When did monogamy become the norm?

Many of the Old Testament leaders had more than one wife. At what point in Jewish history did monogamy become the accepted norm?

Bible Q&A: Who was Thaddeus?

What is known about the disciple called Thaddeus?

Jesus wept: John 11.28–44 (Day 80)

This is an extraordinarily moving story, because it shows so clearly the reality of grief. A loved brother has died, and his sisters are prostrated with sadness – and they're confused and resentful, because they believe Jesus could have saved ...

Bible Q&A: Why doesn’t God stop all bad things from happening?

I suspect more people than usual will currently be asking this question. Christians naturally turn to the Bible, yet the Bible offers no seamless answer to the problem of pain. It speaks in stories and images, and tackles this thorny issue in more wa...

Story of the Bible, Act 4: The Exile

After the escape from Egypt, the Exile is the most important event in the life of God's people in the Old Testament.

Bible Q&A: What does the Bible say about tithing?

Tithing is the practice of setting apart one-tenth of one's earnings as an offering to God. Numbers 18 tells us that the tithes were to be given to the Levites, the Israelite tribe who were set apart as priests.

Our Fragility

Covid-19 is telling us a great deal about our own fragility. It is also shattering any illusions that might previously have existed, of us humans being in control.

Does the New Testament get the Old Testament wrong?

Most Christians believe that the Old Testament should be interpreted in the light of the New Testament.



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