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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Words from John 20.27 brought me to faith 30 years ago.

Words from John 20.27 brought me to faith 30 years ago. I had been invited to a local service at Easter. I had a bit of a battle that morning, because my father asked me to help move some cattle, but I knew I had to go to church.

My daughter was expecting a baby

My daughter was expecting a baby. She already had a little girl. I was so excited. My granddaughter was desperate for a sister. When she was 26 weeks pregnant, I was looking after my granddaughter, while my daughter went for a check-up.

I live by the sea. Some people might think it’s a backwater, but it’s very diverse

I live by the sea. Some people might think it’s a backwater, but it’s very diverse. There are druids, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, Hindus and obviously atheists.

The story of Peter’s reinstatement in John 21.15–18 means a lot to me.

The story of Peter’s reinstatement in John 21.15–18 means a lot to me. He was a simple, ignorant fisherman and yet became such a significant person in the history of the Church.

Don’t just stand there!

Michael Pfundner explains how the word for ‘news’ in German implies information so significant it demands an actual response, not just a retweet. Likewise, the good news of the gospel is so significant it necessitates a change in the course of o...

Prophecy in Isaiah

Biblical prophets were not fortune tellers. Periodically they referred to the future, but their main job was to speak into the present. Time and again they critiqued the status quo, drawing attention to the chasm between God’s commitment to his peo...

I went through a period in the pandemic of quite poor mental health

I went through a period in the pandemic of quite poor mental health. I had previously been diagnosed with OCD and general anxiety. They were well-managed, but in the job I was in and with things at home, I became quite poorly.

I was an executive in a company. A colleague had retired and died very suddenly.

I was an executive in a company. A colleague had retired and died very suddenly. He was a lovely man, and I went to his memorial service. We sang, “Do not be afraid for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name, you are mine”.

Pray for peace

Join us in prayer for peace and for Bible mission around the world. Bible Society leaders in four countries deeply affected by conflict share their prayers. ‘God, use your people in these countries to be peacemakers.’

Anti-Semitic?: Luke 14.15–24 (Day 334)

Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? Historically, verses like ‘His blood be on us, and on our children’ (Matthew 27.25, KJV) have been used to mark Jews as Jesus murderers and to justify violence against them. Some passages in the Gospels and the ...

17 Bible verses about Christmas

Looking for Bible readings for your Christmas services, present labels or Christmas cards? Start here.

Book a speaker

Get in touch and we’ll send someone to share our latest stories with your church and details of how you can partner in our mission.

How to choose a book for Bible Book Club

Starting Bible Book Club but don’t know where to begin? Here are some ideas…

Good News Bible – The Youth Edition

We teamed up with Youth for Christ to create a truly unique Bible. Young people helped us put this Bible together.

Bible a Month

Join Bible a Month and help give the Bible around the world, changing lives, month after month. Your support brings the Bible to more people. Starting a regular donation is an easy way for you to be changing lives by the power of God’s word.

In the Middle East

We have a special place in our hearts for the Middle East. We’ve been working to bring the Bible to life there for nearly 70 years – and have no intention of leaving.

What is trauma healing?

When the crisis in the Middle East began, our staff immediately began meeting the physical needs of refugees, offering mattresses, food and tents. After a while, we realised that refugees had a deeper, unspoken need: they wanted someone to talk to.

Africa prayer tree

You're bringing God's word to people across Africa by filling Sunday schools with illustrated Bibles, translating Scripture into indigenous languages and sharing the gift of reading in Bible-based literacy classes. Will you pray for this li...



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