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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Apart from being an ambulance person, I am an elder and a youth worker.

Apart from being an ambulance person, I am an elder and a youth worker. We go every year to a Christian youth festival. A few years ago we were there and I was praying that God would speak to the young people, but the message spoke to me.

I come from China and came to the UK in 2021

I come from China and came to the UK in 2021 to do my Masters in Music Composition. It was early in 2022 when I walked round the university campus and found a new route from the dining hall to the bus station

Romans 10.14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?

‘Romans 10.14 says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?”

What’s in a name?

Four centuries and five thousand miles separate the American civil rights activist from the German spiritual radical Martin Luther. Do they have more in common than the name?

I was raised a non-believing family

I was raised a non-believing family. We scoffed at the idea of there being a God when it was brought up at the CofE primary school I attended.

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 5

Open up Philippians 4.5–6 in the new Nicholas King translation and look at Paul’s instruction to rejoice at all times. Dig deeper than ever into these words and find out how you can ‘rejoice at all times’.

God’s not forgotten me!

These are the words of a Christian whose own memory is failing her – one of several Jesus followers who suffer from dementia and who were willing to talk about it. Their testimonies are recorded in PhD research, turned into a brand new book. Author...

Time to choose: Luke 23.1–25 (Day 343)

Pilate asks Jesus whether he is the 'king of the Jews' (verse 2). Jesus gives a very interesting answer: 'So you say.' In Greek it is literally, 'You say.' Apart from that, he doesn't answer his accusers (verse 9) a...

Children with special needs love to Open the Book

Alfredo and Irene Salazar’s child was an outcast in society. Alfredo Jr has Down’s syndrome and wasn’t made to feel welcome, even at the local church. But the couple, who live in one of the poorest regions of Guatemala, prayed for guidance and ...

How should Christians do politics?

Christian approaches to political engagement often fall into one of two camps: ‘distinctive’ or ‘engaged’. The Bible instead calls the Christian to ‘distinctive engagement’ in politics, where we get thoroughly engaged in politics, but wit...

Tim Farron: Get involved!

Christians should care about and engage with politics because Christians should love their neighbour as themselves, and engaging in political decision-making is a key way to do that. If Christians do not turn up and take part in these decisions, we c...

Heartwarming Christian testimonies from migrant workers in the Gulf

Prasad and Mariam were just two beneficiaries of the End-to-End project run by Bible Society in the Gulf and supported by you here in England and Wales. Read their testimonies today.

Anti-Semitic?: Luke 14.15–24 (Day 334)

Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? Historically, verses like ‘His blood be on us, and on our children’ (Matthew 27.25, KJV) have been used to mark Jews as Jesus murderers and to justify violence against them. Some passages in the Gospels and the ...

The Big Church Poetry Slam

Rebecca Rocker from Swindon beat 16 other spoken word artists, to win The Big Church Poetry Slam 2024. Her three incredible spoken word pieces were based on characters, stories and themes from the Bible, as well as a direct recital.

Why did Andrew Ollerton create The Romans Course?

The Bible changes lives. One particular book with a great record for this is Paul’s letter to the Romans. Dr Andrew Ollerton, author of The Bible Course, is someone who’s been transformed by this standout book.

Remember the Sabbath: Luke 6.1–11 (Day 326)

This chapter contains Jesus' Sermon on the Plain (verse 17), Luke's version of Matthew's Sermon on the Mount. It begins, though, with two stories about the Sabbath. Sabbath-keeping was – and is – one of the marks of an observant Je...

Resisting gang culture with God’s word

The journalist Catherine Pepinster went to Guatemala to see the impact of your support for Bible mission as children embrace an alternative to the gang culture around them.

'God is Not a White Man' shortlisted for the Michael Ramsey Prize

God is Not a White Man: And Other Revelations (Hodder & Stoughton, 2021) was shortlisted in November for the 2023 Michael Ramsey Prize. The prize seeks to generate awareness of the most promising contemporary theological writing for Christians to...

From cult bondage to Bible storytelling

Emmanuel escaped from a cult in Africa, went to Dubai as a migrant worker, and it was there that he found his calling as a Bible Storyteller, thanks to your support of Bible work in the Gulf.

Where does God want us to be, city or country?

The countryside – a safe haven for the soul? writes Michael Pfunder. After all, didn’t Babel rise against God, Lot flee Sodom and Jesus weep over Jerusalem?



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