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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Jesus and Zacchaeus: Luke 19.1–9 (Day 339)

We find ourselves in a very wealthy and important town, Jericho. It had a great palm forest and world-famous balsam groves. Its gardens of roses were known far and wide. All this combined to make Jericho one of the greatest taxation centres in Palest...

Give the Bible to someone in China

Pastor Bao’s transformative ministry, serving the sick and sharing the gospel, stems from his own life-changing encounter with Scripture. Will you put the Bible in the hands of a Chinese person?

‘If anyone is thirsty’: John 7.37–44 (Day 76)

At this point in John's Gospel, Jesus is facing a lot of opposition from 'the Jews', as some translations say – it was really the Jewish leaders, who were threatened and worried by his revolutionary message, and modern translations t...

‘Come, Lord Jesus!’: Revelation 22.1–5 (Day 366)

In the first few verses of chapter 22 John writes of the 'river of the water of life' flowing from the throne of God, down the street of the city, and of the 'tree of life' on either side of the river.

'Remember my chains': Colossians 4.7–18 (Day 93)

The last chapter of Colossians consists mainly of greetings and commendations which give us a window into the relationships Paul had with his fellow-workers. While he commends them all, he seems to have had a particular fondness for Aristarchus, Mark...

Share the Bible and teach a Gambian woman to read

Mission workers in West Africa need your support to run life-changing literacy classes. Will you reach The Gambia with God’s word today?

Change a child's life with the Bible

Abused girls in Guatemala need your help. Will you share God’s word and give hope to a girl today?

The toilets: overturning ancient hierarchies | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (Part 1) - 02

Wherever you go in the world, finding decent toilets is always helpful – but these ancient communal toilets in Ephesus were important for a different reason. They were evidence of a divided and unequal society. The social elite could enjoy the rela...

Acts 10.1–33: God begins to break down barriers (Day 10)

At the very beginning of the Church, the new believers faced a huge question ­– should the Jesus movement be for Jews only, or were Gentiles to be included as well? While there were plenty of Gentiles around in Palestine, observant Jews kept thems...

All the Bible verses in the Coronation

The funeral of Queen Elizabeth II was the largest public Scripture event in history, with millions of people around the world hearing words of Scripture said and sung. The coronation of King Charles III may well be the second largest.

‘Forgiveness and civil justice are not mutually exclusive’

‘Forgiveness and civil justice are not mutually exclusive.’ That was the message at today’s National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, from Dr Amy Orr-Ewing.

Apostle John: writing New Testament letters | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (part 2) - 05

In Ephesus is the Basilica of St John – the site where according to tradition the Apostle John is buried. He was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and many believe that in Ephesus he may have written his Gospel portrait of Jesus' life and mini...

The Amphitheatre: Paul sparks a riot | Bible Trek - Ephesus Series (Part 2) - 01

Acts 19 records a riot involving Paul at this theatre. He had been in Ephesus for two years, the message of Jesus had spread widely and many had become Christians. In doing so, they turned away from occult practices. But this caused direct conflict w...

The Shopping Mall: mission in a materialistic culture | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (part 2) - 02

The Agora in Ephesus is where once stood the commercial centre of this important city. It would have been filled with traders selling their goods in this strategic centre for business, education and commerce. Paul spent two years here, the longest he...

Polycarp: the martyr of Smyrna | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (part 2) - 06

Polycarp was a second-century disciple of Jesus. He had been taught by the Apostle John, who also made him a bishop in the church. Polycarp, at the age of 86, refused to sacrifice to Caesar as a god, and was consequently burnt alive. He is one of the...

Acts 7: Truths that are hard to hear (Day 7)

Acts 7 tells the story of the first martyr. Stephen, whose face 'looked like the face of an angel' when he was brought to trial, gives the Sanhedrin a history lesson, outlining in forensic detail – as a Jew speaking to fellow-Jews – all...

Ancient luxuries and Christianity | Bible Trek – Ephesus Series (Part 1) - 06

In this part of Ephesus, archaeologists have discovered luxury housing inhabited by society’s elite. Built into the hillside, these houses were sophisticated dwellings, complete with marble floors and even central heating. Paul’s time in Ephesus ...



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