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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Empowering the Church to meet migrant needs in the Gulf

Hrayr Jebejian and his team share the Bible throughout the Gulf region. In Kuwait, they’re empowering church leaders to reach out to the country’s immense migrant population with the life-changing power of Scripture.

From creation to resurrection: following the Holy Spirit through Scripture

Explore the role of the Holy Spirit, our giver of gifts, throughout the story of Scripture.

Jesus and Paul: 1 Corinthians 11.23–26 (Day 249)

Biblical scholars commonly assume that Paul’s letters are older than the Gospels. This would make 1 Corinthians 11.23–26 our earliest reference to the Lord’s Supper.

The Teaching Centre | Bible Trek – Ephesus series (Part 1) - 03

The Celsus Library in Ephesus is a World Heritage site from the second century AD and represents a centre for learning. The book of Acts (chapter 19) tell us that Paul worked here for two years, teaching and training the disciples, equipping them for...

Introducing Nazareth | Bible Trek - Nazareth Series – 01

In the time of Jesus, Nazareth was a small hamlet occupied by no more than 400–500 people; it was a quiet place, with not much going for it. Yet it was here that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she would give birth to a son. Although...

‘Wales is not finished with faith’: message to Welsh Senedd

‘Wales is not finished with faith and God is not finished with Wales.’ That was the message from Bible Society’s Sian Rees, as she addressed parliamentarians at the Senedd today.

Your impact in Nazareth

Dina Katanacho and her team in Nazareth are determined to bring hope by sharing the gospel. With your help, they’re working hard to release the healing power of the Bible into an increasingly difficult situation.

Peter in Joppa | Bible Trek – Caesarea Series - 02

The seaport region of Joppa is the location where Peter prayed for Tabitha, who had recently become ill and died. Peter’s prayer restored her to life, and many local people came to faith in Jesus. Peter stayed in Joppa at the house of Simon the Tan...

Jesus is coming: Matthew 24.36–51 (Day 195)

This chapter of Matthew is part of the ‘Little Apocalypse’, a block of teaching that focuses on the ‘end times’. It’s in a style of writing – ‘apocalyptic’ – that’s like Revelation or parts of Daniel. We should be wary of treating...

Christianity and Roman Luxuries | Bible Trek – Caesarea Series – 01

Caesarea Maritima, developed by Herod the Great, is a testimony to incredible architecture and innovation. Forty miles north of Tel Aviv, near the coast, he created a mini-Rome, complete with an amphitheatre, a hippodrome and a harbour. Yet for all t...

Paul in Prison | Bible Trek – Caesarea Series - 04

Having been a prisoner in Jerusalem, Paul was transferred to this coastal region and became a prisoner in Caesarea. For two years, Paul was forgotten. He had longed to go to Rome – but what seemed like a massive inconvenience and frustration actual...

Pray for Bible ministry in the West Indies

Bible Society in the West Indies describes the devastating effect that Covid-19 has had on the Jamaican economy, which relies heavily on tourism. Inevitably, this, together with the closure of churches and schools during lockdown, has led to a steep ...

Floating in the Dead Sea | Bible Trek – The Dead Sea series - 03

Join Andrew for a refreshing dip in the Dead Sea! Its 33 per cent salt content makes for a visual representation of lifelessness and hopelessness. Nothing survives in this water. However, Ezekiel (chapter 47) has a vision of a new river that flowed f...

The Pool of Siloam | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the New Testament Series – 03

On numerous occasions, Jesus clashed with the religious authorities for healing on the Sabbath. Here at the Pool of Siloam, Jesus and his disciples encountered a blind man. Jesus made a mud paste using dirt and his saliva and wiped it on the blind ma...

Looking to the Mount of Olives | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the New Testament Series – 05

The Mount of Olives, just outside Jerusalem, is a significant location. On Palm Sunday Jesus came to this place and the crowds waved palm branches and worshipped him as king. It was from here that Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, prom...

Ukraine: The miracles that bring you closer to God

‘War is like a marathon. It wears you down.’ Rostyslav, who works for Bible Society, talks about how the war has affected him, their work, and the country.

Five ways to find resurrection power in Scripture this Easter

Share The Awesome Easter Surprise, get on board with The Lent Encounter, download an action-packed family service, and reach beyond your church with the End of the Road? outreach booklet.



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