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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Righteous anger?: Luke 9.51–56 (Day 329)

Chapter 9 starts off Jesus’ journey from the rural province of Galilee to the spiritual capital, Jerusalem. As he travels through a region called Samaria, some of his disciples who have gone ahead into a village are rejected by its inhabitants.

Cleansing the Temple: John 2.13–22 (Day 346)

After 2,000 years in which the Church has become a settled part of society, one of the risks we face is that Jesus becomes rather domesticated. He was not really like that, though. Here we read about him chasing out merchants, money-lenders and assor...

The Queen and reconciliation

The history of the island of Ireland and mainland Britain makes very painful reading, of which the Troubles of the 1960s to the 1990s were the latest instalment. More than 3,500 people died, approximately 60 per cent of whom were killed by Republican...

Both … and: Luke 10.25–37 (Day 330)

Luke continues his ‘Samaritan theme’. In yesterday’s passage they were the baddies. Today we read about a Samaritan helping a Jew in need. People can behave both badly like the unwelcoming Samaritan villagers in chapter 9 and in an exemplary fa...

Taxes to Caesar: Luke 20.20–26 (Day 340)

I don’t know if you have ever been on the end of a con-artist or trickster. In this text we find Jesus on the end of an underhanded attempt to get him into trouble with the authorities. The Pharisees are on the attack. Under whose authority did Jes...

The Queen and the Bible

Queen Elizabeth had a deep knowledge of the Bible from reading it regularly and hearing countless sermons based on it. For her, as for all Christians, the Bible is a key source not only of doctrine but of comfort, hope and inspiration.

Arguments and betrayals: Luke 22.24–34 (Day 342)

This long chapter contains most of the lead-up to Jesus' crucifixion, ending just before he is taken before Pilate. It has his betrayal by Judas, the institution of the Lord's Supper, and his arrest. Things are rushing towards their conclus...

The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Luke 15.1–8 (Day 335)

This is a chapter all about lost things. We see references to a sheep, a coin and a son who asks for his inheritance in advance and squanders it. If we focus on the lost sheep, we find a story that has been labelled by William Barclay as ‘the gospe...

Ten people with leprosy: Luke 17.11–19 (Day 337)

In this passage Jesus enters a village and has an encounter with ten people with leprosy who are crying out for mercy and healing. He tells them to go to the priests and ‘show themselves’. One of the roles of the priest was to declare whether som...

The Widow’s Offering: Luke 21.1–4 (Day 341)

I think we see two things in this small piece of Scripture. First, the spirit in which something is given is of tremendous importance to Jesus. A gift given begrudgingly, or for the sake of self-importance, loses so much of its value. Second, there i...

Give the Bible to someone in prison

Prisoners are asking for Bibles. They’re desperate to experience God’s love. You can help turn a life around today.

No room at the inn?: Luke 2.1–7 (Day 322)

The shops have already been full of seasonal products for the last few weeks, but we don't read the stories around the birth of Jesus in churches until Christmas; and then they tend to get squeezed into the format of carol concerts and family se...

I have something to tell you: Luke 7.36–50 (Day 327)

The story of Jesus' encounter at Simon's house is very moving, and very challenging. A meal for guests at that time, perhaps held in an open courtyard, would have been more accessible to uninvited strangers than it would be for us today. Am...

Indiscriminate love: Luke 8.1–3 (Day 328)

Yesterday’s passage, Luke 7, ended with Jesus showing respect to a woman of ill repute.  Chapter 8 picks up where chapter 7 left off. Tormented and marginalised by disease and spiritual affliction, a number of women are set free by Jesus and join ...

Songs of praise in The Gambia as the Jola people receive their Bible

Songs of praise in The Gambia as the Jola people receive their Bible

Women at the tomb: Luke 24.1–12 (Day 344)

In Luke's story of the Resurrection, it is women who are first at the tomb. They are the ones who will minister to Jesus' body, as they think; a traditional role. It's hard to imagine their feelings as they approached their task: they ...

Come and follow me: Luke 5.1–11 (Day 325)

Jesus called 12 men to follow him and become the nucleus of the Church. They were, to put it mildly, a ragtag bunch – fishermen, a tax collector and possibly even a terrorist among them. We don't know how he chose them, but it looks from the s...

Counting the cost: Luke 12.13–21 (Day 332)

By the time Luke wrote his account, the Gospel message had begun to spread and cause controversy. Imagine a Jewish convert hanging out with the Jesus sect on a Sunday, suggesting to his family that yesterday’s Sabbath worship was no longer good eno...



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