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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Strength for the journey: John 4.43–54 (Day 348)

Jesus' healing miracles were normally performed face to face. This one is like the healing of the centurion's servant in Matthew 8 and Luke 7; it's from a distance. He is in Cana; the son of a government official is dying in Capernaum....

People like us: Luke 4.16–30 (Day 324)

Jesus' appearance at the synagogue in Nazareth marked the real beginning of his ministry. He sets out his manifesto: good news for the poor, freedom for the prisoners, sight for the blind, the year of God's favour (verses 18–19). So far, ...

It’s all about grace: Romans 11.1–32 (Day 233)

Paul explains more here about the position of the Jews within God's plans. Most, he says, have historically not responded to his grace, and it's the same in his own time. However, God's covenant with them remains. They are the original...

When God speaks: Luke 1.5–20 (Day 320)

Luke begins his Gospel by telling Theophilus that he has 'carefully studied' the stories of Jesus that were circulating at the time. Luke writes as a serious historian, and perhaps his account was challenging for those who found their favou...

Galilee teenager tells how he was saved from suicide at Scripture workshop

A teenager tells how he was saved from suicide at a Scripture workshop run by Bible Society in the Galilee region of northern Israel.

Gardening teaches us how to relate to others, summit told

In a moving end to the Gather Movement Summit, Dr Natan Mladin from Theos, actor Cathy Morling and Dr Girma Bishaw of the Gratitude Initiative, spoke of how we can all be gardeners in the way we live out our Christian life.

Free from every fault: 1 Thessalonians 5.1–28 (Day 292)

Paul's advice to the Thessalonians was given to them in the light of the belief that Jesus was coming back very soon indeed. That being so, it's fascinating to see how measured and balanced it is. From time to time, 'prophets' pre...

Trouble in Jerusalem: Acts 21.27–40 (Day 215)

In Acts 21 Paul travels to Jerusalem, despite the prophecy warning he would be bound up and mistreated there. Sure enough, when he comes to Jerusalem he is accused of teaching that Jews should give up following the Jewish laws and customs. This wasn&...

Keeping up appearances: Matthew 23.27–28 (Day 194)

In Jesus’ day, different groups of people responded to Roman occupation in different ways. The upper class clergy, the Sadducees, sought appeasement and the Essenes withdrew into monastic life, whereas the Zealots plotted political revolt.

Church in communist Laos so grateful for Study New Testament

Christians in communist Laos, one of the poorest countries in East Asia, are praising God and thanking Bible Society supporters.

Everything I have commanded: Matthew 28.16–20 (Day 199)

We're very used to reading the last verses of Matthew's gospel – verses 19 and 20 – as the 'Great Commission', Jesus' command to his disciples to go 'to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples'. Most ...

Faith comes by hearing: Romans 10.5–17 (Day 232)

Paul in this chapter continues his argument that we are made right with God through believing in Christ. But most Jews, and all Gentiles, would be completely nonplussed by this. Jews would need the Scriptures explaining to them. Gentiles would need t...

God is one: Romans 3.21–31 (Day 225)

In this chapter Paul continues his argument that Jews and Gentiles are on level ground. Jews, he says, have been entrusted with God's message (verse 2) but they are in no better or worse condition than Gentiles (verse 9); we are all 'under ...

‘More than a prophet’: Matthew 17.1–13 (Day 188)

After having spent some time with Jesus, the disciples must have thought they had a pretty good idea of what he was about, until at the drop of a hat he began to talk about suffering and dying. Peter voiced what everyone else was thinking: the Messia...

Grace, works or both?: Matthew 19 (Day 190)

In today’s passage Matthew places a brief, seemingly innocuous, scene between the weighty topics of marriage and money. The peaceful image of Jesus’ hands resting on the heads of children seems strangely out of place. Yet, all three passages hang...

Stay with me: Matthew 26.36–46 (Day 197)

After the ‘Little Apocalypse’ of chapters 24 and 25, Matthew’s story rushes headlong into the final days of Jesus’ life. There’s a succession of incidents and encounters, each of which we could dwell on slowly and prayerfully.



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