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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

'I do not condemn you either': John 8.1–11 (Day 77)

This story of Jesus and the woman taken in the act of adultery has many layers to it, and it raises as many questions as it gives answers. It is not in the very earliest manuscripts of John's Gospel, and some translations print it in a footnote....

'It was night': John 13.21–30 (Day 82)

In John's Gospel, the heart of the story of the Last Supper is Jesus washing his disciples' feet. It demonstrates the relationship all believers are to have with one another, and particularly the relationship leaders are to have with their ...

Answered prayer leads to Gulf Bible ministry

Prasad’s life was a mess until the Holy Spirit guided him out of a pit of despair and into the pulpit. He wants to share his amazing testimony with Bible Society supporters and thank them for their kind giving, which enables his crucial ministry in...

Mark 3.31–35: No one left behind (Day 31)

Jesus faced opposition from his family. Their view that he is 'out of his mind' (verse 21), seems to be linked to the accusation by the scribes that he was 'possessed by Beelzebul', (verse 22), and provokes a very sharp response: ...

‘Turning point’: John 16.16–22 (Day 85)

John 16 not only reveals the confusion of the disciples as Good Friday draws close, but seems to reflect the turmoil of a young Church which is facing persecution and no longer has Jesus in its midst. 'When is he coming back to take us home?...

'Kenosis': Philippians 2.5–11 (Day 87)

Today’s passage is one of the most famous in the New Testament. The vocabulary differs from Paul’s usual style. It has a poetic feel; in fact, he may well be quoting an early Christian hymn. In talking about the self-emptying of God – ‘kenosi...

Mark 8.31–38: Get behind me, Satan (Day 36)

Jesus' ministry had been going well. There were lots of healings, crowds flocked to hear him and he hadn't yet been faced with much significant opposition. For him to start talking about crucifixion must have struck his disciples as unneces...

Mark 2.1–12: Pick up your mat and walk (Day 30)

The four friends of the paralysed man are so desperate for his healing that they break open the roof so that he can get to Jesus. It's been suggested that Mark's Gospel may have been based on the testimony of Peter, and that perhaps it was ...

Mark 6.1–6: A prophet without honour (Day 34)

Jesus was attracting large crowds who came to hear his teaching and receive his ministry. When he went to his own town, Nazareth, it was a different story: the people there saw only the carpenter who had grown up among them. Calling him the 'son...

Mark 12.1–12: A twist in the tale (Day 40)

The Parable of the Tenants is, on the face of it, quite straightforward if you know your Bible reasonably well. The man who plants the vineyard and rents it out is God; the messengers he sends to collect the rent are the Old Testament prophets; the s...

On the authority and credibility of Scripture

Walter Moberly is Professor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation at Durham University and the author of numerous books.

Mark 1.29–34: The healing Christ (Day 29)

The way Mark tells the beginning of Jesus' ministry, it starts with a bang. He gathers disciples and commences to cast out demons and heal people. The impression we get is of someone who may be a huge public figure, but who still has time for pe...

Mark 9.2–18: From the mountain to the plain (Day 37)

After Jesus' fierce condemnation of Peter, who has tried to turn him away from his path to the cross, Mark tells us of a transcendent experience he shares with Peter, James and John. The great prophets Elijah and Moses validate his status as God...

Mark 11.12–19: A warning from history (Day 39)

The cursing of the fig tree and the cleansing of the temple are linked not only in time, but in what they symbolise. Jesus is hungry, but there's no fruit to eat because it's not the right season. He enters the temple, where spiritual hunge...

Are Harvest Festivals biblical?

Through September and October churches of most denominations have a Harvest Festival. The modern harvest festival developed over time, drawing on biblical themes and local traditions.

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Mark 4.1–9: The parable of the sower – or the soil? (Day 32)

The Parable of the Sower is one of the best-known of all Jesus' stories. It's graphic and powerful, with a simple message: some people will respond to the word of God and some will not, because they are hard, shallow or easily tempted. It e...

Acts 9.1–9: Life on the Damascus Road (Day 9)

A 'Damascus Road experience' has come to stand for anything that completely changes someone's perspective on life. This is the original, and it's a key moment for the early Church. Bitterly opposed to the gospel of Jesus, Paul –...

Acts 6: How conflict shows us who we are (Day 6)

Acts 6 is a story of conflict. As ever, the Bible is entirely realistic about human nature. Even in those early, heady days, believers fell out. The leaders in the new Church – the Apostles – spoke Aramaic. But in Jerusalem there were many Jews f...



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