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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

The verses that stand out for me are from Luke

The verses that stand out for me are from Luke 23.39-43. Jesus is being crucified and on his right hand is a thief and on his left hand is a thief. They are often called the good thief and the bad thief. The good thief says to Jesus, “Remember me w...

The passage that’s shaped my life is Luke

The passage that’s shaped my life is Luke 4.16-30. It’s where Jesus is rejected in Nazareth having read the prophecy about himself from Isaiah. I came to faith when I was 18, watching the ITV mini-series “Jesus of Nazareth”. It starts with th...

Nicholas King Lectio Divina 4

This week’s Lectio Divina gives you four ways into a timeless passage from the Sermon on the Mount. Explore the words of Jesus in Nicholas King’s distinctive new translation.

Give the Bible to a refugee

Iranians especially are pouring into British churches. Will you put the Bible in the hands of a Jesus-seeking refugee today? For £20 you can give an Iranian Christian here in England and Wales an easy-to-read Bible in modern Farsi.

Jerusalem in the New Testament Series

Welcome to a new trek as we head back to the city of Jerusalem. In this series, Andrew takes us to the steps where Jesus and his disciples would have ascended to the temple. We visit the Pool of Siloam where Jesus healed a blind man and finally the M...


Mark’s Gospel, like all of the Gospels, tells the story of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Mark places a particular emphasis both on discipleship and on walking the way of the cross in the footsteps of Jesus. Strikingly, it has neither any b...


Luke’s Gospel, like all of the Gospels, tells the story of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Luke’s Gospel is often said to have been written for a more Gentile audience, though it is important to recognise that the author knew a lot about J...


The Acts of the Apostles tells the story of Jesus’ disciples from their time in Jerusalem, just after Jesus’ ascension, to Paul’s eventual arrival in Rome. Roughly the first half of the book concentrates on what happened to Jesus’ first disci...


Set after the exile but while a large number of Jews had not yet returned to Judah, the book of Esther tells the story of the deliverance of the Jews under Ahasuerus, the Persian king. Ahasuerus banished his wife Vashti for refusing to come into his ...


The story of Judith features, unsurprisingly, Judith as its main hero. Judith, whom we are told was both very beautiful and a widow, was horrified that her fellow Jews did not trust in God to deliver them from their enemies, the Assyrians. So she wen...

Bible in a year: May

Fat kings, conquering kingdoms and comfort in the words of Jesus: it's all been going on for Tom during May.

My father was from a very strong Buddhist family

‘My father was from a very strong Buddhist family but my mother was from a Christian family, so I learned about Jesus through her. When I was about 10, we left Sri Lanka for Zambia and my grandmother came to visit us. I was with the wrong crowd at ...

I love the story of the wedding at Cana in John 2

I love the story of the wedding at Cana in John 2, where Jesus turns water into wine. It really demonstrates the humanness of Jesus in a very strong way, that he chose his first miracle to make people happy. He's slightly peevish with his mother...

Whenever I get confused, or my faith seems to be wavering, the passage that I remember is in John 4

Whenever I get confused, or my faith seems to be wavering, the passage that I remember is in John 4 when Jesus is talking to the woman at the well, and he says, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth”.

I keep coming back to John 6.67–68

I keep coming back to John 6.67–68 where Jesus has been teaching and people are finding it hard to understand and lots of his peripheral followers are falling away.

Story of the Bible, Act 10: Early Church

Pentecost launched the Church with a great rush of power and enthusiasm. The early chapters of the book of Acts show us a body of believers inspired by their knowledge that God had done something wonderful: he had raised Jesus from the dead.


Hebrews was written to encourage a group of Christians who had stood firm through persecution but who, over time, had become discouraged and whose faith had begun to be shaky. The author of the book holds up Jesus as an example to follow; he himself ...

Improving the farm and the land

Improving the farm and the land has always been one of my aims. It was important to my father before me. He was improving the land back in the 1960s. Then it was my turn. If you have good grassland and good stock, you can’t go wrong. It’s exactly...

I personally find my most significant encounters with God happen through moments

I personally find my most significant encounters with God happen through moments when I’m studying the Bible. In my late teens, I went through Ephesians and it had a major impact on me. I got a fresh experience of God’s love for me and how much J...

I go to the Scriptures every day

'I go to the Scriptures every day. There’s a bit where Jesus stands up and says he’s come to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free. I base my life on that: meeting people’s needs and helping people. My husband and I have been...



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