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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Job 14: Can the dead live again? (Day 46)

Job seems overwhelmed as he ends his speech. Life is short and full of trouble; it withers like a flower; it’s as fleeting as a shadow (verses 1–2). Why does God bother to notice him when his life seems so insignificant (verse 3)?

Exodus 18.13–27: The Spirit is for all (Day 66)

The new nation of Israel is coming into existence, and its institutions have to be created from scratch. Everyone has questions, there's much to be decided and Moses feels he's the only one who can do it. He makes himself permanently availa...

Exodus 19: The holy God (Day 67)

Exodus 19 depicts God as someone to be feared – not just in the sense of awe and respect, but in the sense of terror. The presence of God on Mount Sinai is life-threatening to all except his chosen mediators, Moses and Aaron.

‘Hated’: John 15.18–27 (Day 84)

Following his beautiful words on being united with God in love, and the famous parable of the true vine, the Lord abruptly changes the subject and turns to the world's hatred of the believer.

'Are we there yet?': Philippians 1.3–11 (Day 86)

In the middle of the first century, the Apostle Paul wrote to a Christian fellowship in the Greek city of Philippi. The congregation had started out as a house church which Paul himself had previously founded (see Acts 16). Meanwhile, he had been det...

Job 9: How can a human being be right before God? (Day 41)

Will Job’s faithfulness to God survive terrible suffering? Satan doesn’t think so. Surely Job only worships God because of the blessings of family, wealth and health he’s received? It’s not just an accusation against the genuineness of Job’...

Job 11: Shouldn’t someone answer this torrent of words? (Day 43)

Job has lamented his suffering, protested his innocence and complained to God, but now Zophar the Naamathite (one of Job’s friends) has had enough. He believes Job’s words are empty and dishonest, amounting to the mockery of God.

Job 13: Still I will hope in God (Day 45)

Job’s friends supposedly came to comfort him but they haven’t done anything to ease his pain. They seem to have lost sight of his suffering in their desire to win the theological argument at hand. Whether they can’t or won’t help, Job brands ...

1 Corinthians 15.1–19: Buried and raised to life (Day 59)

This chapter is Paul's great exposition of the resurrection. He defends it to the hilt: Christ was really raised from the dead, he says, and without it Christians are all wasting their time: 'And if Christ has not been raised, then your fai...

From rap artists to Hollywood greats: why a 3,000-year-old poem still speaks today

Psalm 23, 'The Lord is my shepherd' has always seized the imagination of film-makers, musicians and poets.

Exodus 1: God's people under Pharaoh's heel (Day 49)

Corinth had a reputation throughout the Roman Empire for being a particularly immoral city, prone to all kinds of sexual licence. In Paul's day it may have been no worse than any other seaport, but mud sticks. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul picks on s...

Exodus 2: A flawed saviour (Day 50)

Paul was writing at a time when the idea that people's bodies were in any way sacrosanct had very little traction. Slavery was normal. People's physical appetites were there to be satisfied – 'Food is for the stomach and the stomach ...

Exodus 3: On holy ground (Day 51)

This chapter is sometimes mined for its teaching about marriage. But step back from the details, and what strikes us is its common-sense approach not just to marriage, but to living faithfully in the world as it is. Perhaps Paul is dealing with peopl...

The song of a deaf boy disowned by his father

Head of Supporter Relations, Tom Newbold, reflects on his recent visit to the only school for the deaf in eSwatini.

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