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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Provide the Bible in Africa’s toughest places

In the Central African Republic, violence is everywhere and poverty is rife. But in this volatile, dangerous place, people long for the Bible. You can help provide it today.

Signs and Seasons - Catholic resources

Catholics have always recognised how words, actions and symbols all speak powerfully to the soul. By fully engaging with these signs and seasons, we can easily bring the message of Scripture to life in our daily lives.

The rise of Christian populism

Nick Spencer highlights the need for ‘theologically informed, content-heavy, Christian belief politics’ in the face of global democratic decline and rising populism.

Meet our New President

His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos, Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of London, is to be our new President. His Eminence Archbishop Angaelos replaces Dr Richard Chartres, former Bishop of London, who is retiring after 6 years in the role.

Scripture Crash Course - Catholic resources

If you would appreciate some guidance before diving into the Bible, we’ve put together a short ‘crash course’ for you. In this section, you’ll find seven key points to help you get the most out of your time with Scripture.

Giving up everything for the Gospel

Qingchao, 30, leaves behind her family to train as a pastor in China, where there is currently only one trained minister for every 6,700 Christians.

Your Story - Catholic resources

The Bible is packed with an amazing range of people, each with their own life stories and perspectives on the world. Reflecting on how God spoke through them - and to them - can help us connect Scripture with our own lives today.

The Big Picture - Catholic resources

The Bible is a book for everybody, where we meet together. For Catholics, benefiting from the wisdom of others – saints and scholars, popes and parishioners – can help to see the bigger picture and appreciate the message of Scripture more deeply.

Getting Started - Catholic resources

Getting started with Scripture isn’t as hard as you might think. With an easy-to-read translation, engaging with the Bible can be as simple as reflecting for just five minutes on one sentence or passage.

5 ways to get ready for the election 

If we are to love God and love our neighbours as ourselves, influencing the institutions and forums that impact the lives of our neighbours is desperately important. What can you do practically?

Prayer - Catholic resources

Scripture is a fantastic prayer book. Praying with the word is a powerful way of tuning in to God. And it needn’t be a headache - there are many simple ways that you can use the Bible to pray.

Why does the General Election matter?

As we draw closer to the General Election, Paul Woolley asks: why does it matter and what does the Bible have to say about it?

Killed for their ‘lucky’ body parts: the threat to people living with albinism and how Bible Society is helping

Ritual killings of people with albinism is on the rise in Swaziland, where people with the condition live in constant fear. With no other sphere of society speaking up for this minority group, our team is leading the case to protect people living wit...

How the Gospel of Luke changed the life of a former drug dealer

Algeria is a hostile place to be a Christian, but Christianity is growing. For former-drug dealer, Idir, life has been transformed through discovering Christ – and it all began with the Gospel of Luke…



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