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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

I grew up in Pune, close to Mumbai

I grew up in Pune, close to Mumbai. The gold standard of looks was being slim. I have never been slim. In India, it’s quite a big deal the colour of your skin. You have to be fair. When I was young, I felt inferior. I didn’t think I was attractiv...

Pentecost: When Babel went into reverse

Sunday 5 June is Pentecost, the day the Church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit on the young Church. It's also the final day of Thy Kingdom Come, the prayer initiative that's seen hundreds of thousands of Christians around the world...

You are valued

My favourite verse in the Bible is actually the shortest one: “Jesus wept”. What I love about that is that God is moved by people’s suffering and his heart is responsive over something that he has seen. We all go through tough times and to know...

My parents divorced when I was 11

My parents divorced when I was 11. There were six of us. We were left to our own devices and had to fend for ourselves. I was looking after my siblings. You don’t realise the impact that divorce has. In Nigeria, that situation is the norm. Here, yo...

A few weeks ago, I was travelling in the Milan area

A few weeks ago, I was travelling in the Milan area when the coronavirus struck. The Italian response was dramatic. We went from hearing rumours to the closure of all public buildings, schools and universities within 48 hours. I was actually in the P...

My husband and I split our time between South Africa and the UK

My husband and I split our time between South Africa and the UK. We are involved in discipleship and leadership training. I was a bit discombobulated about having to come back from South Africa. I have had a real washing machine of emotions about it....

I’m a fairly positive person

I’m a fairly positive person. I’m trying to make the best of the situation and am keeping busy. But one of the hardest things is not seeing my mum. The hard thing was that she had planned a big party for her 80th birthday. That went by the board....

I was 18 and in the first term of uni studying industrial product design

‘I was 18 and in the first term of uni studying industrial product design. I really liked the Christian Union. It was social. But there were Bible studies going on. They were going through 1 John. On this particular evening, they read verses 4-5: ...

When I was 16, a friend of mine told me that he had become a Christian

‘When I was 16, a friend of mine told me that he had become a Christian. We grew up in church together, so I thought he already was. I thought, “Why does he need to become a Christian?” The following week our pastor started a series on Ephesian...

I was 34 and divorced

‘I was 34 and divorced. I’d been in and out of relationships and I was getting tired of it. One evening I sat in my apartment and watched the sun go down and the shade come into the room. I thought, “This can’t be my life”. I grabbed the ca...

In 2017 I was going through a difficult period

‘In 2017 I was going through a difficult period. I was in a business relationship with a very, very close friend and the business went sour and the relationship was very strained. The really difficult bit was that I appeared to be the bad guy. Ever...

I had a challenging upbringing

‘I had a challenging upbringing. My father died when I was seven and my mother, though a believer, had a fierce temper. I did grow up with a faith of my own, but it wasn’t particularly getting deeper. Part of that was observing my mother's o...

I'm 87 now

I’m 87 now, but I was a weapons engineer in the Navy. When I was growing up, I was in the church choir. But when I joined the Navy, church and Jesus were very much in the background.

Romans 8.1–2 was the first scripture I read when I was 17

Romans 8.1–2 was the first scripture I read when I was 17. It says, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin...

Luke 23.34 is the most powerful verse in the Bible for me

Luke 23.34 is the most powerful verse in the Bible for me. It’s where Jesus is hanging on the cross and says, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

‘I came broken to Bahrain, but God made me whole’

Desperately poor women arrive in the Gulf from the Indian subcontinent in the hope of finding a job as a housemaid. Thanks to you, many of them are also finding Jesus. Read Kanti’s story.

The Lent Encounter 2024

This year, you can join The Lent Encounter. It’s a completely free 40-day journey to help you connect more with the Bible and the life of Jesus – AND you don’t have to give up chocolate! 

Galilee Series (Part 1)

Welcome to our new series – and a new location, as we explore Galilee. As you watch this set of films, we hope you will get a real sense of the importance and significance of this special place. It was here that Jesus began his ministry as...

Ephesus (Part 1)

Our latest Bible Trek series introduces the historically important city of Ephesus near the western shores of modern-day Turkey. The well-preserved ruins remind us that Ephesus was a site of influence and importance to the ancient world as a centre o...

Ephesus (Part 2)

Welcome to Ephesus part two as we continue our amazing trek around this strategically important and influential city. In this series we visit the amphitheatre, learn about the history of the Icthus fish symbol and the Christian martyr Polycarp. Andre...



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