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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

I was born here in Bethlehem

I was born here in Bethlehem. When I was a kid, about nine or ten, I went to Bible Society summer camps. That gave a message that added something to our lives. I was inspired by what I learned. What struck me was the way that people treated the kids,...

There are hundreds of verses

There are hundreds of verses from the Bible that comfort me, but this one galvanises me. It’s 1 John 5.12, “God offers us eternal life and it can be found only in his son. So, anyone who has genuine contact with Jesus Christ has eternal life, and...

I have the words from Ephesians 2.10 hanging on a plaque in my bedroom

I have the words from Ephesians 2.10 hanging on a plaque in my bedroom. I see it every morning when I wake up. It says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for you to do.” This rea...

In June 2018 I was diagnosed

In June 2018 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma and went through six months of intensive chemo. It was quite a shock. It was really difficult. There was a verse from Philippians: “Do not be anxious about anything, but, in every situation, by...

Bible Q&A: The Bible – an ongoing library?

Given that the Bible is, by definition, a library of books about God and his people, why does it stop at the Book of Revelation? Surely that story is a continuing one which in the present canon of Scripture already goes beyond Jesus’ time?

When my second son, Daniel, was born, he wasn’t breathing

When my second son, Daniel, was born, he wasn’t breathing. He was completely grey. The umbilical cord was around his neck. There was no cry. There was no sense of anything. It was a deadly silence, a nothingness. ‘I had a not-breathing child and...

It was about 2007

It was about 2007-8, I was just going about my normal daily life and my husband and I were driving to Wrexham. I felt my pulse and it was 99 beats per minute at rest. I knew there was something desperately wrong. I was diagnosed with an over-active t...

My obsession with the Bible

My obsession with the Bible really stems from a conversation that I had when I was 17. It was a car journey and I was being inquisitive. I wanted to know why it feels like God moves into a neighbourhood in a revival, for all of that passion and zeal ...

We had never done a Bible study before

We had never done a Bible study before. But we had a Bible study app, and, as soon as the schools closed, we decided to start doing a Bible study together. We read a chapter of the Bible every day and then once a week, we talk about it on Facebook Me...

When I was six or seven years old

When I was six or seven years old, I used to like staying with my great aunt. She had an embroidery on the wall, decorated with lovely roses, lilies and anemones. It was 1 Peter 5.7, ‘Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you’. I’m...

I’m a locum doctor in a hospital in Nottingham

I’m a locum doctor in a hospital in Nottingham. At the moment, I’m on a gastro-enterology ward, but I was on the palliative care ward with patients with Covid-19. The scripture that’s really helped me recently, is Colossians 3.23-24, ‘Whateve...

The day I came down with the coronavirus was a bit shocking really

The day I came down with the coronavirus was a bit shocking really. I had done a set of nights at the hospital and started to feel a bit rotten. I thought it might be the cycle ride I had done. Maybe I’d overdone it. I woke up the next morning and ...

Pretty soon after lockdown, I wrote a song based on 2 Corinthians 1.3-4. It’s about comfort.

Pretty soon after lockdown, I wrote a song based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. It’s about comfort. I knew how scary and isolating it must be for everyone. I wanted to capture this situation, which was awful, still is awful, and say something positive. Th...

I work in investment banking

‘I work in investment banking. I took time off work for six months because I had a severely trapped nerve in my neck, which was diagnosed as wear and tear. The pain was so severe at times that I wasn’t sure I wanted to go back to work. I saw four...

I studied medicine at Oxford. It was awesome

I studied medicine at Oxford. It was awesome. I rowed and coxed, edited the medical school gazette and was on the student committee. I had a great group of friends. We went out and drank a lot, and basically, I got more and more fuelled by my own amb...

My husband is a clever man

My husband is a clever man. He worked for an oil company. We lived in Saudi Arabia, then the Bahamas. It was just great. There were parties all the time. When we were living in the Bahamas, I was 27 and had three children. I got pregnant again within...

For me, there is one scripture that changed the whole of my life and the life of my family

‘For me, there is one scripture that changed the whole of my life and the life of my family. When I was growing up, my Dad abused me and I almost lost my life. My first memory, I was three years old and I was hiding behind my brother and my Dad was...

During lockdown, I have become a lot closer to God. Before, I was always so busy

‘During lockdown, I have become a lot closer to God. Before, I was always so busy. My great-nan used to read the Bible, but we kept it somewhere special. At Easter, I felt a lot closer to God and Jesus, so I asked my parents to get me a Bible. I wa...

I was in my late teens

‘I was in my late teens, and I suppose I was at the point of trying to decide on the direction of my life and what life would look like. I was at Soul Survivor, and sat down and read Joshua 1.9. It says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and c...

During the lockdown, I felt quite alone

‘During the lockdown, I felt quite alone as I had been used to being at work in a secondary school with people around me to talk to. I'd also been used to having my mum to stay for two or three days each week to help me to look after my two ad...



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