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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Jesus the water of life | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the New Testament Series – 01

John’s Gospel records that on the southern steps of the temple, on the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus stood up and invited people to come to him, the water of life. In this extraordinary moment, Jesus took the ancient prophecy of Ezek...

Jesus visits the temple in Jerusalem | Bible Trek – Easter Series - 02

The famous Southern Steps led up to the temple, the holy place where God’s presence dwelt. Jesus and his disciples ascended them and entered the temple to celebrate events like Passover...

Jesus’ resurrection | Bible Trek – Easter Series - 11

Jesus died in Jerusalem on a Roman cross, but three days later he appeared to his disciples on the shores of Lake Galilee. Peter and the others, distraught by recent events, had gone back to what they knew – fishing...

Jesus relocates to Galilee | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 01

Jesus’ hometown was technically Nazareth, a hamlet in Galilee, but later on he relocated to Capernaum by the Sea of Galilee. This was a strategic move, as bustling Capernaum became the epicentre of his ministry. Here, Jesus healed the sick, raised ...

What are so many Iranians doing here?

Not everyone is enthusiastic about new arrivals in this country. But for the Church, more people within reach means more people to reach.

Jesus is imprisoned | Bible Trek – Easter Series - 09

In this dungeon, beneath the Praetorium and the home of Pontus Pilate, Jesus is likely to have been held as a prisoner...

Jesus walks on water | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 03

The Sea of Galilee provides the location for two of the most famous stories in the Bible. The first involves Jesus asleep in a boat, unaware of a frightening storm that scares even the experienced fishermen on board. The second features Jesus walking...

Jesus’ headquarters in Capernaum | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 04

Capernaum was a bustling trade centre on the western shores of Galilee. This location became the epicentre of Jesus’ ministry. For around three years, Jesus performed extraordinary miracles and taught in the synagogue. It was a strategic move for J...

Jesus at Peter’s House | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) – 05

Simon Peter, originally a humble fisherman from Galilee, was one of Jesus’ closest disciples. Despite great triumphs and failures, he became one of the most important leaders of the early Church. A significant part of his journey was Jesus’ visit...

Jesus in the Synagogue | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 06

Jesus was a Rabbi (teacher). Rabbis would traditionally visit the synagogue to teach the Torah, but Jesus' teaching and miracles were sensational. His authority and power amazed the people. Healings sometimes took place on the Sabbath, getting h...

Jesus feeds the 5000 | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 04

In the Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish there is a stone which is believed to be the rock on which Jesus prepared a meal for over 5,000 people. Having provided teaching and encouragement for them, he then compassionately provided f...

Jesus teaches in the synagogue | Bible Trek – Nazareth Series - 03

This replica synagogue in Nazareth represents the incredible moment when Jesus, the local carpenter, announced himself to be the Messiah. As was the custom, the community would gather at the synagogue on a Friday evening and the scrolls would be read...

Jesus transfigured | Bible Trek – Nazareth Series – 05

Mount Tabor is only 600 metres high, but is a significant biblical site. The Old Testament book of Judges records this location as the place where Deborah led God’s army to defeat Israel's enemies in a famous battle. It is also the place where...

Jesus and the Valley of Hell | Bible Trek – Jerusalem in the New Testament Series – 04

In this sunny location, it’s hard to imagine that the Hinnom valley was once a place of disrepute. Awful practices had taken place here and it was considered a repulsive location. In Jesus’ day, it was the town’s rubbish dump where fires contin...

The Rooted Podcast

Listen to The Rooted Podcast for in-depth conversations about the Bible and how we can apply it to our lives. Join the team behind Rooted, Bible Society's devotional journal, as we dig deeper into a theme or book of the Bible in each series and ...

Stories of Jesus: How to understand parables

Some of the best-known stories of Jesus are the ones he tells himself – the stories or parables. They stick in our minds, as good stories do.

Jesus calls fishermen | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 1) - 02

Here by the shores of Galilee, four ordinary fishermen receive the call of the Rabbi Jesus and leave behind their nets to start a new life. Simon, Andrew, James and John – young, uneducated men with few prospects beyond fishing – leave behind the...

Jesus heals a blind man | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 02

Bethsaida was a fishing village on the outskirts of the Sea of Galilee. This was the hometown of his disciples – Peter, Andrew and Philip. It was also where Jesus healed a blind man in a two-part miracle involving a mud paste placed on his eyes. As...

Jesus the Rabbi | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 03

Jesus and his disciples covered many miles as they followed the traditional rabbinic model where students would learn as they walked and talked with their master. Hours spent on the dusty roads together, away from the noise and distractions of the cr...

Jesus rebukes Chorazin | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 05

Jesus spent a lot of time in three particular communities – Bethsaida, Capernaum and here in Chorazin. On a number of occasions he visited this community, taught in its synagogue and performed a number of miracles. However, in Luke 10 Jesus gets ve...



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