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654 results for: 'Jesus the Jew'

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Bible themes: Birth of Jesus

Jesus calls Mary Magdalene | Bonus Episode | Bible Trek - Galilee Series (Part 2) - 06

Bonus video: This archaeological dig in Magdala, reveals the place where Mary Magdalene grew up. Mary, healed by Jesus from demons became a close follower. She witnessed the horrors of the crucifixion, but was the first person to see the resurrected ...

Jesus nearly thrown off a cliff | Bible Trek – Nazareth Series – 04

Here at this cliff, Jesus nearly met his death. Having upset the local community in the synagogue by announcing himself to be the Messiah who would fulfil the ancient prophecies in Isaiah, events turned chaotic. The crowd became angry and drove him o...

Help meet the amazing demand for Bibles in prisons

Right now, prisoners are turning to Jesus. People at their lowest are reaching out for hope. This is the time to put the Bible in their hands.

Jesus teaches the Beatitudes | Bible Trek – Galilee Series (Part 2) – 01

From this breathtaking location, Jesus delivered some of his most inspiring teaching. It was here that he gathered the crowds and taught them how best to live. He covered themes like anger, lust, retaliation and love for enemies. Two thousand years l...

The Queen: Serving as Jesus served

In 1947, as Princess Elizabeth, Her Majesty toured South Africa with her parents and sister Margaret Rose. In a speech broadcast from Cape Town on her 21st birthday, she referred to her ancestors' motto, ‘I serve’, saying: ‘I declare befo...

Earthquake: ‘Jesus is right here with us’

As the death toll from the earthquake reaches 19,300, eyewitness reports from Bible Society staff in both Syria and Turkey have reached us.

Give the Bible today

Thank you for changing lives by sharing Jesus. You make Bible ministry happen.

Jesus Blesses the Children: Luke 18.15–17 (Day 338)

The children come to Jesus, brought by their parents. I can imagine the excitement and anticipation – what will he do, how will he impact my child, what will he say? I'm sure there were many tired parents holding out for a blessing, restless c...

Jesus’ prayer for us: John 17 (Day 361)

The Gospels tell us that Jesus often went away by himself to pray, but in this chapter we get a rare chance to overhear one of his prayers. It’s an intimate prayer for the people who love him – the disciples gathered for his last Passover meal - ...

The Queen and Jesus

The public life of the Royal Family is very much bound up with the established Church. The monarch bears the title 'Defender of the Faith', inherited from Henry VIII, and the Church of England is part of the royal landscape.

Children in the Bible

Many people think the world of the Bible is so far distant in time that it can’t really help very much with issues about the lives of today’s children. We disagree! Find out why.

The gospel has no boundaries in the Bible Lands

Bible Society’s Supporter Experience Officer, Emily Robinson, travelled to the Bible Lands to see how you are helping lead people to Jesus in the places he lived.

Share God’s word with a migrant worker

Pastor Prasad found Jesus while living a tough life in the Gulf. Will you help him reach more people in his situation by sharing the Bible today?

Bible Q&A: How do we reconcile the differences between the four Gospels?

I suspect more people than usual will currently be asking this question. Christians naturally turn to the Bible, yet the Bible offers no seamless answer to the problem of pain. It speaks in stories and images, and tackles this thorny issue in more wa...

The Bible Series – Small group video resource

A seven-session video series to deepen your understanding of the Bible and discover its relevance to us today. Study key biblical themes with your small group.

Kyryl hears who Jesus is

Kyryl lives in Northern Ukraine with his sister Yana, three other children and his grandmother Olena.

Give the Bible to someone in the Bible Lands

Demand for God’s word in the places Jesus lived is increasing. Will you help meet this urgent need and give the Bible to someone today?

Madam Tang’s biblical bucket list

Have you drawn up a bucket list of things you would like to tick off as completed before you go to meet Jesus?

Bible Q&A: Why was Mary political?

Was Mary really getting political when she sang, ‘He has brought down rulers from their thrones … He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich empty away’?

What happened on Easter Sunday?

What actually happened on Easter Sunday? In this part of the world, only a minority associate Easter with a crucified man returning from the grave. We’ve all been to school. We’ve done our basic history, physics, and biology. We’ve been taught ...



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