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Bible themes: Children

Pray for peace

Join us in prayer for peace and for Bible mission around the world. Bible Society leaders in four countries deeply affected by conflict share their prayers. ‘God, use your people in these countries to be peacemakers.’

Opening the Bible with school children in Ghana

Our Bible storytelling project, Open the Book, is helping school children in Ghana encounter Jesus through the stories of the Bible. And it’s shaping an entire generation.

Children don’t just Open the Book, but jump inside it

In Ghana, children are taking an active (and fun!) part in bringing the Bible to life through our Open the Book project in primary schools.

Cycling through the life of William Tyndale

We’re coming up to the 500th anniversary (in 2025) of the publication of Tyndale’s English New Testament, the first to be translated directly from the original Greek. This year, Mike has planned a 350-mile ride in memory of the great Bible transl...

Kyryl hears who Jesus is

Kyryl lives in Northern Ukraine with his sister Yana, three other children and his grandmother Olena.

‘I hope that I will be able to read the Bible’

Almost half a billion women are unable to read. There are women who don’t know any other women with this skill. Attending a literacy class takes a lot of courage but it offers transformative change. A teacher and a student in Pakistan share their s...

Working towards Revelation 7.9

Osoba Otaigbe, a Baptist minister, is the man behind a game-changing Christian gathering that took place in Leeds last month, Intercultural Church and City Transformation. Read his story.

The angel of prisons

Queen Victoria admired her, the King of Prussia travelled to London to see her impact, and Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton praised her work in Parliament. Because of her, thousands of prisoners in England had better lives. Get to know Elizabeth Fry.

Update from Israel

More than a month on from the horrifying attacks by Hamas, Israeli society remains traumatised. With your support, we’re reaching out with God’s love.

Update from Galilee

Dina Katanacho leads the Bible Society team based in Galilee. They’re feeling the pain around them but working hard to turn a tragedy into an opportunity to share God’s love.

Children ask for Bibles in Malawi

God’s word is changing the lives of Malawi’s children. Now more and more of them are asking for Bibles, as Alan Kember explains.

The boy with the big smile whose smile got bigger

The boy with the big smile whose smile got bigger is a story from Syria that you can share with children or young people.

Air attacks hit Bible Society offices in Israel and Gaza

The Bible Society office in Gaza has been damaged during an air strike, while in Tel Aviv a rocket fell 100 metres from the Bible Society shop, also causing considerable damage.

You’re shaping the future of global Bible outreach

Thousands of you have helped to fashion the future of Bible mission by taking this year’s supporter survey. Your insights are crucial to helping us become better.

Complete at last: the Mohawk Bible

The Bible can now be read in the Mohawk language, thanks to 24 years of hard of work that realised a lifelong dream for Harvey Satewas Gabriel. A Mohawk Gospel of John was the first Scripture translation Bible Society published, in its founding year ...

Give the gift of the Bible this Giving Tuesday

With your help we can raise £10k in a day to reach 2,000 children in Lebanon with the life-changing power of God’s word

Give the gift of the Bible

You can share the Bible in crisis-hit Lebanon and give hope to struggling children

Record number of Bibles distributed across Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has led to a dramatic rise in the demand for Bibles as people ask existential questions about life and death. The Ukrainian Bible Society reports that, in the last 15 months, some 700,000 Bibles have been distributed across the war...



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