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410 results for: 'children'

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Bible themes: Children

Cake by the lake: hear the story of Mary Jones

Bible Society’s award-winning visitor centre, Byd Mary Jones World, has reopened after more than three years. This is your opportunity to find out how a young Welsh girl has changed millions of lives.

Change a child's life with the Bible

Abused girls in Guatemala need your help. Will you share God’s word and give hope to a girl today?

Will you make 2022 a year of Restoration?

Get a free 2022 Calendar of Restoration, with illustrations by Emma Skerratt, and be part of the biggest children’s Bible distribution by our Syria team.

A hundred kilos of Scripture: one man’s passion to share the Bible in Ukraine

In the past year your support has meant God’s word could reach thousands of Ukrainians. We’ve been able to make Scripture in the Ukrainian and Russian languages available free of charge to churches in this country serving refugees.

Teaching a new generation to love the Bible in Egypt

In Egypt there’s a thriving Bible ministry with teenagers. Your support is making it happen.Egypt is a collective culture, and much more religious than the UK,’ said Lois Nagieb, who works for Bible Society in Egypt.

King Charles receives good news from York – with a little help from Bible Society

King Charles and Queen Camilla were given handwritten copies of the four Gospels as a coronation gift. ‘The York Gospels 2023’ were printed using design templates provided through Bible Society.

Your impact in Nazareth

Dina Katanacho and her team in Nazareth are determined to bring hope by sharing the gospel. With your help, they’re working hard to release the healing power of the Bible into an increasingly difficult situation.

How the Bible is changing lives in India

Bible Society’s International Programme Co-ordinator, Joanna Heath, recently made a visit to one of our oldest partners, Bible Society of India. Bible Society began its Indian mission in 1811 and the current organisation, formed in 1944, is today t...



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