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Bible themes: Children

You belong to Christ: 1 Corinthians 3.1–23 (Day 241)

There's a big difference between theory and practice. The Corinthians have read Paul's inspiring words about the power of God at work in believers in the previous chapter, but then he takes them by surprise: he says bluntly that they'r...

Historic Bible created by children from 140 schools

One hundred and forty schools which helped to create a historic ‘Children’s Codex’ have each received a free copy of the leather-bound book, thanks to our support.

Grace, works or both?: Matthew 19 (Day 190)

In today’s passage Matthew places a brief, seemingly innocuous, scene between the weighty topics of marriage and money. The peaceful image of Jesus’ hands resting on the heads of children seems strangely out of place. Yet, all three passages hang...

​Build a Bible House in Mali

Make a long-awaited dream come true for Christians in Mali – help build a Bible House brick by brick.

Prayers said for peace against mounting tensions in Ukraine

Prayers for peace were said as the country's Bible Society joined Ukrainian church leaders at a special service in Kyiv this week (Wednesday 16 February)

Do what is right: 1 John 3.1–10 (Day 144)

The mark of the believer, John says, is love – but it's also doing what is right. He goes so far as to say that 'None of those who are children of God continue to sin, for God's very nature is in them' (verse 9). Does he mean th...

Five thousand children hear Bible story re-told in song drama and music

This was Prom Praise for Schools, supported by Bible Society. The children, from 56 primary schools across London and nearby counties, were at the Royal Albert Hall for a unique exploration of the Bible story, The Lost Son.

Join the Bible mission community

Will you release the power of God’s word to change lives on a regular basis as a member of Bible a Month?

Gen Z: The Future of Faith?

It is the generation growing up with unlimited access to the internet, provided with instant information and entertainment (‘infotainment’) and unprecedented online connection; but it also has the highest levels of loneliness, social anxiety and ...

A Bible to fight the isolation of deaf children

Did you know that the deafness rate among children born with HIV is much higher than those without? Find out how we’re at work in Swaziland – a country with the world’s highest rate of HIV – to ensure deaf children don’t miss out on the sto...

Bible-based teaching crucial for pastors in the Gulf region

Pastors such as James in the Gulf are so grateful for your support, which enables them to delve deeper into the Bible and impart their knowledge to more migrant workers in the region.

Pedal power puts even more mileage into Bible mission

Bike for Bibles 2021 has been a great success, putting more mileage into Bible mission worldwide.

Thirty million Bibles distributed worldwide in year pandemic hit

You put 30 million Bibles in people’s hands last year despite the pandemic and you also kept struggling Bible Societies afloat in far-flung places.

Practical and spiritual support for orphans in Southern Africa

In eSwatini, a quarter of children have lost at least one parent. You can help meet the immense needs they face with practical and spiritual support.

Uganda jumps aboard Bible storytelling programme for schools

Uganda is the latest African country to join our expanding Open the Book programme that takes Bible storytelling into schools.



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