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Bible themes: Children

Believing in God: Romans 4 (Day 226)

In Romans 4 Paul continues his attack on the idea that it's by 'works of the Law' that people are made right with God. That can't be true, he says, because Abraham was accepted by God as 'righteous' before he was circumc...

Remember what God has done: Deuteronomy 11.1–7, 16–21 (Day 158)

God has rescued the people from Egypt and guided them through the wilderness to the Promised Land, but there's a problem: the Israelites' descendants wouldn't have direct experience of God's saving work (verse 2). They would just ...

‘You will not be ashamed’: Isaiah 54 (Day 173)

This is another passage full of hope for a devastated people. The prophet is speaking to a woman, but the context of the surrounding chapters suggests that the woman stands for the whole nation of God’s chosen people, or perhaps the city of Jerusalem.

Faith and confidence: 1 John 5 (Day 146)

Have you ever wondered if you’ve gone too far or sinned too repeatedly to be redeemed? Perhaps reading of ‘the sin that leads to death’ in verse 16 of this chapter fills you with anxiety. How can you be sure that you’ve been accepted and forg...

The Bible and Mental Health: Anxiety

Few things affect people’s mental health as badly as anxiety. Though it may show in more ways than one, anxiety is essentially about losing control. Jesus knew this.

The Bible and Mental Health: Separation

God did not create us as loners. Ask anyone going through homesickness, bereavement or lover’s grief. The Bible records a moving incident in the mission of the apostle Paul as he says a final farewell to the leaders of the church in Ephesus...

Bible Society in Jordan given special permission to deliver supplies

Bibles and food were distributed to needy families in Jordan by a Bible Society team given special permission by the government to bypass a coronavirus lockdown in April.

God's word on our hearts: Deuteronomy 6.1–9 (Day 153)

Deuteronomy is framed as Moses' final warnings and commandments to the people before his death. Here, towards its beginning, there are the words that lie at the heart of the Jewish faith, recited every day by observant Jews as the Shema, beginni...

Love because we are loved: Deuteronomy 10.12–22 (Day 157)

Some parts of Deuteronomy can be hard going, if we're honest. Others, like these verses, are inspirational. What does God require of us? That we worship and obey him, and love and serve him with all our hearts (verses 12–13).

‘Draw near to me, hear this!’: Isaiah 48 (Day 167)

‘Hear … See … Listen to me … Draw near to me, hear this!’ Isaiah 48 is a heartbreaking cry of frustration from a God who has spoken openly to his people, yet they act as if they are deaf and blind to all the clear signs of his devotion to t...

God’s compassion for his suffering people: Isaiah 49 (Day 168)

In Isaiah 49, God’s compassion for his suffering people is so total and overflowing that there is no hint of further judgement. It is a chapter about a complete reversal of fortunes. The nation has hit rock bottom – desolate, devastated and swall...

Is the Bible racist?

The death of George Floyd at the hands of police in the US – and more recently of Rayshard Brooks – has galvanised anti-racism activism under the 'Black Lives Matter' banner.

Sending orphans to school with dignity and hope

You can give a vulnerable child in southern Africa a fresh start with a pair of shoes and the word of God.

Be content: Ecclesiastes 6.1–7 (Day 109)

The beginning of Ecclesiastes 6 should be read with Ecclesiastes 5 in mind. In verses 18–20 of chapter 5, the author speaks of someone who has wealth, food and work, with the ability to enjoy these things being the gift of God. In contrast, in chap...

A new covenant: Hebrews 8.1–13 (Day 123)

The author continues his reflection on Jesus' fulfilling of the covenant God made with Israel. The work of priests, he says, is 'really only a copy and a shadow of what is in heaven'. Jesus, though, is a priest in heaven: 'He serv...

'Kenosis': Philippians 2.5–11 (Day 87)

Today’s passage is one of the most famous in the New Testament. The vocabulary differs from Paul’s usual style. It has a poetic feel; in fact, he may well be quoting an early Christian hymn. In talking about the self-emptying of God – ‘kenosi...

Guatemalan town celebrates as Bible arrives in native tongue

‘This is my first Scripture,’ beamed Trinidad López, 39, as she held a copy of the first Bible in her language. ‘I have never owned my own Bible until today! Now, I have the full Bible in Achí of Cubulco!’

Coronavirus: A message from Bible Society

Bible Society is praying for you and all our supporters during this difficult period.

4 ways to keep the kids entertained

The summer holidays have begun, and perhaps with it cries of, 'I'm bored!' Check our these four books to entertain children, and feed them spiritually at the same time.



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