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Bible themes: Children

Genesis 22.11–12: Getting to know each other (Day 21)

If there’s anything you’ve picked up in the story of Abraham, it’s likely to be the significance of his role as a father of great nations, and that of his son Isaac through which this promise will come to pass. You don’t need me to tell you h...

Mark 7.24–30: Even the dogs eat the crumbs (Day 35)

This is a strange story, because it seems to show Jesus treating harshly someone who comes to him in desperate need ...

The Church’s response to debt

Theos Think Tank researcher, Hannah Rich, offers insightful discussion of the Church's response to debt problems.

Job 15: Are the comforts of God too small for you? (Day 47)

Eliphaz the Temanite has heard Job’s words, but it’s clear he hasn’t accepted them. When it comes to understanding God’s ways, he thinks he’s got it nailed and no matter what evidence Job puts forward, he’s not about to let it get in the ...

What difference does community gardening make?

Dave Cox is living testament to the benefits of community gardening. ‘Working here, close to nature, amongst caring people, in a peaceful environment, is good for both my mental and physical health,’ he says.

This Christmas you can give the greatest gift

Around the world the Bible’s message is changing lives. But the Bible need keeps growing.

Does the Bible contain 'antisemitic texts'?

Is the Bible antisemitic? According to the way a disturbing incident on the London Underground on Friday was reported by the media, yes it is.

Thank You

One Bible at a time, you are changing people’s lives

The Aetherlight

A new, interactive internet game that enables children to play in a world like modern-day Narnia, has been used by thousands of families since it launched earlier this year.

The orphans who know they're loved

Our Programme Adviser for Africa, Ken Dachi, has recently returned from visiting our project with orphaned children in Swaziland. Here he reflects on his trip and two brothers he met along the way.

Open the Book in the heart of Westminster

Twenty years on from its humble beginnings, schools storytelling initiative Open the Book holds a national celebration in the capital.

Will you bring God’s word to people in Syria?

People in Syria are coming to faith in Jesus – and they need Bibles. Will you give God’s word to Syrians by sending a donation today?

Every week more than 50 new people ask for a Bible in Algeria

Bible work in Algeria has a courageous new leader: Rezki. Despite the risks, one thing drives him on in his role; every day, more and more Algerians long to know Jesus.

Welcoming the royal baby

The whole world is congratulating the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – Harry and Meghan – on the birth of their son.

'Please remember us': Islamist attack on Burkina Faso church leaves 6 dead

Gunmen attacked a church in northern Burkina Faso last Sunday, killing six people. A priest was among the dead.



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