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410 results for: 'children'

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Bible themes: Children

The Super Cool Story of Jesus

The Super Cool Story of Jesus, our children's Easter resources from 2017.

The Seriously Surprising Story

The Seriously Surprising Story, our children's Easter resources from 2018.

Three Friends and the Miracle Man

Three Friends and the Miracle Man, our children's Easter resources from 2019.

The Well Good News of Christmas

The Well Good News of Christmas, our children's Christmas resources from 2016.

It Begins in Bethlehem – A Nativity Rhyme for Christmastime

It Begins in Bethlehem – A Nativity Rhyme for Christmastime, our children's Christmas resources from 2020.

All About Easter: A Resurrection Rhyme

All About Easter: A Resurrection Rhyme, our children's Easter resources from 2021.

The Impossible Promise

Our children's Christmas resources from 2021, based on Bob Hartman’s story booklet The Impossible Promise.

The Christmas Poem

The Christmas Poem, our children's Christmas resources from 2021.

Festive Fred Finds the Greatest Gift and It’s Nearly Time! A Christmas Rhyme

Our Christmas resources for 2023 – including two brilliant children’s booklets for both primary and toddler ages, as well as accompanying videos and activities.

‘The children love it,’ Psalm 23-inspired garden is big hit in primary school

A team of keen gardeners has built a Psalm 23-inspired garden for the children at All Saints’ Church of England Primary School in Marple.

Sharing Bible stories with children as bombs rain down

For more than two years now, our colleagues at Ukrainian Bible Society such as Anatoliy have been risking their lives taking aid, medicine and the Scriptures to people across the country, and increasingly to areas of fighting.

20,000 children in Egypt blessed with Scripture backpacks

Twenty thousand children in Egypt have been blessed with backpacks packed with Scripture resources thanks to the generosity of Bible Society supporters.

Sponsor Open the Book overseas

Your team, group or organisation can bring the Bible to children internationally by sponsoring an Open the Book project in another country today.

Syria children’s ministry is not just for the young

Thanks to your support, 28,000 copies of The Jesus Storybook Bible will be provided to children in war-torn Syria this Easter.

Syrian refugee children joyful to hear stories of Jesus in Jordan

Syrian refugee children who have fled conflict are feeling real joy in hearing stories about Jesus in Jordan.

Resisting gang culture with God’s word

The journalist Catherine Pepinster went to Guatemala to see the impact of your support for Bible mission as children embrace an alternative to the gang culture around them.

‘Before it was only children who read the Bible’

With Niger in turmoil after a military coup, one thing won’t change - the gospel giving people hope in one of Africa’s poorest countries. Thanks for supporting Bible engagement in Niger.


Our ever expanding Open the Book programme means we share Bible stories with children in Uganda, Kenya and Ghana in Africa as well as with children in countries in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. They are part of the wider global ministry...

In 1971 I was privileged to be offered a position for the NSPCC

In 1971 I was privileged to be offered a position for the NSPCC, running a playgroup in Belfast. I had always worked with children. The first day I went in, I wasn’t prepared

Gangs, drugs and Jesus

Children growing up in poverty, surrounded by illiteracy and violence, are embracing Jesus.



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