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Bible themes: Children

I work part-time. I cover the childcare costs, which are expensive.

‘I work part-time. I cover the childcare costs, which are expensive. But recently, I was trying to work more hours because I needed more income. I was asked if I wanted to do the children’s work for my church. I’ve got two children, but that’...

During the lockdown, I felt quite alone

‘During the lockdown, I felt quite alone as I had been used to being at work in a secondary school with people around me to talk to. I'd also been used to having my mum to stay for two or three days each week to help me to look after my two ad...

The Awesome Easter Surprise resources

View our 2023 and 2024 Easter resources. This interactive pop up service is the perfect resource for your Easter Sunday service and school assemblies. Download your script and accompanying visuals, based on The Awesome Easter Surprise children’s bo...

We have 13 grandchildren

We have 13 grandchildren. The oldest is 22 and the youngest is four. When we got a boat for holidays they all wanted us to use their initials to make a name for the boat. That didn’t work. I thought it should be Proverbs 17.6, ‘Children’s child...

I’m a teacher and work a lot with early years

I’m a teacher and work a lot with early years. It’s a privilege to be in loco parentis with children so young. I don’t regret not being with them over this time, because I see them in the community and I can pray for them. I know they are getti...

The passage that is really important to me is Ephesians 3.16–19

‘The passage that is really important to me is Ephesians 3.16–19 which talks about God strengthening us, knowing his love and being “filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”. I used to be in a wheelchair. I had a car accident in 2006...

Psalm 27 came into my life in the last 10 years

Psalm 27 came into my life in the last 10 years. My mum had died, and my dad was still alive then. I’d got divorced and was bringing the children up myself, with help from my parents. Then a lump was found in my lung.

As churches reopen in Malawi, will you help fill the Sunday schools with children’s Bibles?

Children in Malawi love God’s word, but there aren’t enough Bibles to go around. You can make a difference today.

Bibles bring joy to children in Malawi

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Alan Kember visited the Bible Society of Malawi. Here he brings us the good news of how children at a Sunday school are thrilled to have received Bibles through your kind giving.

Open the Book

Open the Book (OtB) is an exciting storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. As invited guests in school, storytelling teams use the Open the Book programme to prepare and prese...

Additions to Daniel

The original book of Daniel was written in both Hebrew (1.1-21 and 8–12) and Aramaic (2–7). There are, however, three additional chapters that exist only in Greek. The Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Holy Children (Sometimes called t...

I used to be a television presenter

I used to be a television presenter and I’m currently in the news room at BBC Radio Solent. I have four children now. They range in age from 8 to 16 years old. Being a woman and a Mum you are able to reinvent yourself. As a woman, you are used to c...

In 2007, I was in Afghanistan with the 19 Regiment Royal Artillery.

In 2007, I was in Afghanistan with the 19 Regiment Royal Artillery. We had seen a lot of fighting. Every day we fought. Every day we were killing. From a Christian perspective that’s hard. I was pleased when our enemy was dead because they weren’...

I got married quite young

I got married quite young. After a few years we wanted children, but after a few more years – during which time I’d had a miscarriage – nothing was happening, so we saw specialists for tests. They didn’t find anything, but we had unidentified...

I was in my late twenties and working at a radio station in London.

I was in my late twenties and working at a radio station in London. One of my colleagues invited us all to a carol service at All Soul’s Langham Place. We all sat in the row. At the end, I was in tears, which later I learned was the Holy Spirit tou...

I go to the Scriptures every day

'I go to the Scriptures every day. There’s a bit where Jesus stands up and says he’s come to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free. I base my life on that: meeting people’s needs and helping people. My husband and I have been...

I turn to the Bible when I’m looking for hope

I turn to the Bible when I’m looking for hope and, I suppose, a bit of clarity in life. I’m quite a patient person, but it’s been tested. I’ve found a lot of usefulness in Ephesians 4.2 which says, “Be always humble, gentle and patient, sho...

I was a nurse. When he was 19, my younger brother died.

I was a nurse. When he was 19, my younger brother died. I asked for a transfer to a remote part of Sri Lanka, because I just couldn’t take it. I met a man there. We married and had two children. He became very jealous. I am an open, friendly person...

I’m musical and music speaks to me.

I’m musical and music speaks to me. So, the Bible verses that I remember are from songs. There is a song that I love that says "Who the Son sets free is free indeed". That’s John 8.36. That really impacted me. The other one says, "...



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