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410 results for: 'children'

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Bible themes: Children

My wife has an auto-immune disease, Lupus

My wife has an auto-immune disease, Lupus, so when this all started, we knew she had to be so careful. I’d just come back from a business trip, and I had to self-isolate from her within the house for 12 days. I moved into the spare room. It was awf...

I own an estate agents’, and have been furloughed

I own an estate agents’, and have been furloughed. I know people are struggling, but for me and my family it’s been positive. I have been able to spend a lot of time with my kids. I don’t work regular hours normally and when I’m at home, my h...

My son Harry, who’s eight, has sensory difficulties

My son Harry, who’s eight, has sensory difficulties. He spots things that you and I would never see. His world is very tiring. When other children are running and playing, he seeks a quiet corner. For him, in lockdown, being with his baby brother,...

When I was about 18 or 19

‘When I was about 18 or 19, I was saying, “I love you Lord, but I have got to go to parties and have boyfriends. I don’t feel clean enough for you, God.” I’d say, “I want to use the next 5-10 years to clean up my act and I will be back”...

I had a car accident in 2015 when I was 25

‘I had a car accident in 2015 when I was 25. In 2014, my twin girls were born. In 2015, I had twin boys. They were ten weeks old and in special care when the accident happened. The children’s father was threatening me and stuff. This girlfriend o...

I met my wife when I was 28 and we married at 31

‘I met my wife when I was 28 and we married at 31. She was a lovely girl, beautiful looking. We started dating and then she got pregnant and then we had to get married, because it would have been a shame to have a child out of wedlock. We didn’t ...

My husband is a clever man

My husband is a clever man. He worked for an oil company. We lived in Saudi Arabia, then the Bahamas. It was just great. There were parties all the time. When we were living in the Bahamas, I was 27 and had three children. I got pregnant again within...

My wife had three miscarriages before our first little boy arrived

‘My wife had three miscarriages before our first little boy arrived. In the aftermath of the third miscarriage, she got pregnant. I was anxious about the pregnancy not going to plan. I was hyper-sensitive, hyper-alert. I couldn’t envisage a futur...

My mother had drink problems and there was a lot of domestic violence

‘My mother had drink problems and there was a lot of domestic violence. I had three brothers who were heroin addicts. One died. To me, it was normal. We were happy enough. I never believed in God. I thought the Bible was a book of made-up stories t...

The words from Isaiah 49.13–23 gave me hope at a very, very bad time

The words from Isaiah 49.13–23 gave me hope at a very, very bad time. I was in an abusive marriage. My husband just wanted to kill me. He tried smothering me when I was in bed, and if it weren’t for my daughter I think I would have gone then. My ...

My husband left me one Christmas Eve

My husband left me one Christmas Eve. My children were 9 and 13 at the time. He had left previously, and we had got back together and then he decided that the person he had met was someone that he still loved and he wanted to be with her. Lots of mar...

Psalm 23 is what I always go to in the ups and downs of my life

‘Psalm 23 is what I always go to in the ups and downs of my life. I always hold onto it. My son used to have a lot of trouble with the police and was in and out of trouble. It was theft, stupid things, breaking into cars. It was a worry for me. I d...

Psalm 23 is important to me

Psalm 23 is important to me because, about four years ago, we were living in London and my husband wanted to move. But we were part of a big church and the children were in a lovely school, so I didn’t want to move. Something had to budge. We were ...

I was born in Seattle

I was born in Seattle, and met my husband when I was on holiday. We had a long-distance relationship for nine months and then married. My eldest daughter turned 13 a few days ago and when I was in hospital with her the day after she was born I wander...

I've always liked Ecclesiastes 1.2

‘I've always liked Ecclesiastes 1.2: “‘Meaningless! Meaningless!’ says the Teacher” – even though it's melancholy and depressing, which I am not. The book talks about how ordinary things are “smoke in the wind”. At the end t...

I always believed in God

‘I always believed in God. When I was a child, I wanted to go to church to join the choir. When I was ten, I helped teach the other children, which probably wouldn’t be allowed now! But when you do that, you become much more aware of what you are...

‘I’m a school chaplain in a secondary school

‘I’m a school chaplain in a secondary school and a huge part of my role is providing bereavement support for children who have experienced bereavement or grief. Nationally, one child in every class will have experienced some sort of bereavement. ...

England and Wales

Against a backdrop of widespread Bible indifference, we’re working across society to help adults and children recognise the value of the Bible.

Engage your church

We’ve developed a wide range of resources to help you bring the Bible to life in your own context. From sermon support materials and small group discussion ideas to personal devotional programmes and children’s bedtime apps, there’s something f...

Prayer tree leaves: Middle East and North Africa

Share your prayer for people across the Middle East and North Africa. Let’s pray for an end to conflict, for peace, reconciliation and an opportunity to rebuild lives. Please pray for the many ways we’re reaching people with God’s love in this ...



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